Kyambogo University Human Resource Manual

 Kyambogo University Human Resource Manual

The Directorate of Human resource was established in 2010. The Directorate of Human Resource works to ensure that the university fulfils its obligations to all employees.

  • To strengthen the staff development programme of the university.
  • To ensure optimum human resource capacity and utilization at all levels of the university.
  • To develop welfare systems.


  • To ensure optimum use of Human resources as a key to achieve objectives of the university and that of individual member of staff.


  • To provide Secretariat to the University Appointments Board and the Staff Development Committees.
  • To manage the implementation of the resolutions of the Appointments Board and the Staff Development Committees.
  • To develop and manage the implementation of HR policies, strategies, regulations and guidelines for the University.
  • To plan, mobilize and ensure availability of resources to support and promote human resources development programmes in the University.
  • To manage staff recruitment, development, deployment and performance evaluation.
  • To enable strategic collaboration and working linkages with other universities and training institutions in providing relevant training for staff of the University.
  • To handle welfare management such as salary administration and other benefits.
  • To plan, budget, requisition and account for resources allocated to the Directorate.


  • Availability of designated office for Human Resource Development
  • Increased number of staff in training
  • A number of welfare services offered to university staff
  • Increased ethical practices and transparency amongst staff and students
  • Performance of all University staff appraised annually
  • All staff have clear job descriptions
  • Comprehensive Human Resource policies in place

The directorate is currently implementing the following innovations/policies

  1. Introduction of Result Oriented Management as a tool for the University wide planning, strategy implementation and performance monitoring
  2. Introduction of Staff Performance Appraisal for the first time in the ten year history of the University
  3. Computerization of Human Resource Records (HRIS-Digital Data base)
  4. Preparation of a comprehensive Human Resource Manual.


Human Resource Planning, Development and Welfare

This Section shall be responsible for the following:

  • Developing and implementation of Human Resource Development programmes, plan and strategies
  • Developing   Scheme of Service and Succession plan.
  • Developing, maintaining, updating data bank on training programmes, the beneficiaries, training institutions and monitoring progress for staff on training.
  • Managing the staff payroll.
  • Liaising with other universities and Grant providing Agencies for possible funding, training opportunities and exchange programmes.
  • Identifying and recommending staff for further training and development.
  • Developing/reviewing/streamlining retirement scheme, terminal benefits for various category of staff of the University.
  • Maintaining of an updated databank on staff record in liaison with Human Resources Management Unit, maintaining of an updated databank on staff record

Human Resource Management and Records Section

The Section shall be responsible for:

  • Recruitment, deployment, industrial relations, performance management and staff motivation.
  • Developingand managing the implementation of Human Resource policies, strategiesand regulations.
  • Developing and ensuring implementation of appropriate staff welfare schemes and support programmes.
  • Custody, updating   and management of staff records.
  • Managing the Pay roll.

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