Kyambogo University KYU Online Application 2024-2025
Kyambogo University Online Application – Kyambogo University has opened its admission for application into 2024-2025 academic year. See details below to apply…
The University has 3 application process namely; Diploma and Certificate Entry Scheme, open from February to March, Graduate Entry Scheme from March to April and Direct entry scheme (O & A’ Levels) open in March to May. Studies for the mentioned entries commence in August.
Kyambogo University Direct Entry Scheme Admissions
Kyambogo University Private Admissions
Kyambogo University Postgraduate Admissions
Kyambogo University Diploma/Certificate Entry Scheme
All applications are conducted online
The guide below takes you through the process of using our online admissions portal to apply for a programme at Kyambogo University.
Click the link below to download online application guide
Kyambogo University online Application guide
Kyambogo University KYU Online Application 2024-2025
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Read More: Online Applications for All Universities in Uganda
I really want to apply on that universty
I love that university, can i apply….give mi assitance
I want to apply
i want apply
i am unable to access the admission forms.Please whats it all about.
Am tied…can’t see wea they apply from..I have tried any corner and failed
Me too, l want to apply.
Am a Diploma Holder-Architect Second Class and l need further studies.
Forwarded for your Consideration.
How can I apply
Me too, too many confusing links,
I failed to access admission form, how can i get it?
I applied but there was no answer in 2021/2022 intake.
I applied before the Last phase of Covid19.
Intake : AUGUST
Form Number: F21008000017
Academic YR : 2021/2022
Payment status: PAID
Form Status: TRUE
Created on: 20/05/2021
at 02:25pm
I want to apply for degree in BVOC in mechanical engineering I have DITTE but failed to get details of what I want
Hello team .
I would like to access applications for academic year 2024-2025 but am unable . Kindly help out with this issue . Blessing
Am actually I want to inquire if there is August intake for this year and wen should I apply
I’m inquiring whether admissions for Diploma in primary education is going on?
I want to apply for admission in diploma in education studies as a primary teacher
How can I get admission forms for Diploma in Primary Education!
I want to upgrade my diploma in Accounting in 2023/2024 intake how and when can I apply.Kind regards.
I have failed to apply l need your help
how can I get an online admission form for bachelors degree in interior and landscape design at kyambogo university
I need to apply for distance learning BSNEE but for August intake am not going through
I want to apply for a diploma in civil engineering.
Is application still on going?
l would like to know hw to get the provisional admission letter via online
I want apply for bachelor of vocational studies in agriculture for august intake online what can I do please!!
we applied for August intake but no response yet