Law Development Center Makerere University

Law Development Center Makerere University

Makerere University Law Development Center, also known as the  Human Rights and Peace Center  (HURIPEC ) was established under the Faculty of Law in Makerere University in 1993, as the first human rights center of its kind in in Sub-saharan Africa. Although several human rights-related subjects were already being taught at the Faculty of Law, HURIPEC was established solely to foster on teaching, research and activism on human rights and peace issues at the University. Since that time, not only has the number of subjects in the area expanded considerably, but so to have the range of activities being pursued.

HURIPEC represented a Makerere University’s response to a sustained period of gross human rights violations in Uganda. The principal perpetrators of human rights violations against the population have been the state and rebel groups however, increasingly, non-state actors, ranging from the family to corporate entities have been responsible for perpetrating various human rights abuses. Cross-boarder incursions and was complicated and deepened further Uganda’s human rights situation. Far-reaching consequences have included acute decline in economic production, the decay in economic infrastructure and the cllapse of the state and political institutions. By far the gravest consequences of sustained gross human rights violations is probably the collapse or emasculation of civil society and the widespread feeling of helplessness and leaderlessness among large sections of the people.


A Human Rights Conceintised, educated, activist, academic society


To promote the understanding and respect for human rights,democratic governance and sustainable peace in the East Africa sub-region specifically and Africa generally through teaching, research,policy and advocacy


  • To provide disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching, and undertake cutting-edge research and policy analysis in the field of human rights, democratic governance and peace;
  • To promote and facilitate multi-stakeholder debates and dialogue on contemporary issues in the field of uman rights, good governance and peace;
  • To advocate for the monitor compliance of Government’s actions, laws and policies with constitutional order and regional and international agreements in the area of human rights, good governance and peace;
  • To provide advisory and consultancy services to Government, civil society organizationns development partners and other stakeholders on issues of human rights, good governance and peace;
  • To establish and run a modern, well stocked and functional Resource Centre on human rights, good governance and peace


Faculty of Law
Makerere University
P.O. Box 7062,
Kampala ,Uganda
Tel: +256-41-532954
Fax: +256-41-543110

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