Law Development Center Uganda Admission Requirements

Law Development Center Uganda Admission Requirements

LDC Uganda Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the Bar Course, the applicant should be:

  • A holder of a degree in law granted by a University in Uganda whose programme has been accredited by the Law Council. This applies to Ugandan and non-Ugandan citizens.
  • A citizen of Uganda who is a holder of a degree in law obtained from a University or institution in a country operating the common law system and recognized by the Law Council.

For qualifications obtained in Uganda,

(a) The degree must have been obtained from a university or institution of higher education duly licensed or chartered under the laws of Uganda; and

(b) The university or institution must comply with the standards and requirements for the establishment and operation of a university as prescribed by the National Council for Higher Education.

For qualifications obtained outside Uganda,

(a) The degree must have been obtained from a University or institution which complies with standards and requirements equivalent to those prescribed for a university in Uganda as set out.

(b) The Law Council may from time to time designate a country operating the common law system.

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