Law Development Center Uganda MOOTS

Law Development Center Uganda MOOTS

The LDC organizes ‘mock’ trials (called MOOTS) every Friday from 9:00am to 1:00pm to give students practical experience of the court room. The students work in their firms and prepare court papers, lists of authorities, written submission, etc. The court papers are filed on Wednesday afternoons with the Chief Registrar of the moots. It also organizes an annual moot competition that begins during the second term and ends in the fourth term.


Court papers are served on the other party, and replies are filed by Thursday afternoon. On Friday the students sit in the court rooms at Law Development Centre and the courts are presided over by practicing lawyers, state attorneys, magistrates or the lecturers. Marks are awarded for participation in moots. Judgments and rulings are written and delivered by the presiding “Magistrate” or “Judge”.

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