List of Amuria District Vacancies 2024-2025

List of Amuria District Vacancies 2024-2025

Amuria District Development Agency (ADDA) works to complement government efforts in providing community based and focused development programmes in the post-conflict district of Amuria in Eastern Uganda. Formed in 2006, ADDA provides psycho-social support, livelihood assistance and promotes community level reconciliation.

Project title: Enhancing the Citizens power and civic competence project

Project description: The project aims at increasing the awareness of citizens (women, men and youth) in Teso and Karamoja of their rights, roles and responsibility to be able to participate in service delivery processes and to hold leaders accountable.

Geographical coverage:  Amuria, Bukedea, Katakwi, Abim, Napak and Kotido districts

Currently the DGF is implementing its second 5-year phase (January 2018 – December 2022) with support from seven DPs: Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the European Union, to build on the achievements of the first phase, address the continuing democratic deficits, and consolidate peace and stability in the country.

The vision statement for this phase is: “a Uganda where citizens are empowered to engage in democratic governance and the state upholds citizens’ rights”.

DGF’s work is aligned to the Uganda national priorities and commitments, such as the National Action Plan for Human Rights; National Development Plan II; the National Gender Policy; the Constitution of Uganda; and national commitments to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) particularly SDG 5 (gender equality) and SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions).

DGF works in partnership with diverse state and non-state actors, to which it provides both financial and technical support to implement a programme that that focuses on:

  • Strengthening democratic processes that respond to citizens’ rights;
  • Improving citizens’ inclusion and engagement in decision-making processes;
  • Strengthening rule of law and improve access to justice for all citizens;
  • Increasing protection and fulfillment of human rights and gender equality.

DGF’s approach to programming in this phase falls under three broad and interconnected spheres namely:

  1. Democratic processes that build citizen-state relationships;
  2. Citizen empowerment, engagement and accountability;
  3. Protection of human rights, access to justice and gender equality.

How to Apply for Amuria District Vacancies

Apply for Amuria District Vacancies

Contact Details

Floors 3 – 4, Lotis Towers

Plot 16, Mackinnon Road
P.O.Box 8772 Kampala

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