List Of Curro Schools In Uganda

List Of Curro Schools In Uganda

List Of Curro Schools In Uganda

Since Curro’s official JSE-listing in 2011, the company has been building its education brand one learner at a time. It started with Dr Chris van der Merwe, CEO and Founder, Curro completing a doctoral study which identified indicators of excellence in schools.

Here are the List Of Curro Schools In Uganda

The International School Of Uganda

Kampala International School Uganda

Nabisunsa Girls’ Secondary School

How many Curro schools are there?

Budget private school group Curro now has more than 50,000 pupils in 57 schools – and it’s making a killing.

Is Curro a good school?

There are examples of private schools that offer good service at a good price. The Curro schools are doing very good work and fill a very important gap in the market,” said Le Cordeur. “There are also many government schools offering very good education. … Parents must just look around, they will find a school.

Is Curro a franchise?

For example, the Curro School franchise is currently taking over the country, with new branches opening nearly every year. Even private schools, traditionally a haven for the affluent, have shifted focus to cater to middle and lower-middle class families as well.

What education system does Curro use?

NCV (National Certificate Vocational)

Curro’s private college campuses offer a career-focused matric alternative to learners with a Grade 9 pass. NCV programmes allow learners to specialise in their chosen field from a young age.

What is the difference between Curro and Meridian schools?

Meridian Schools are managed by Curro Holdings as part of a joint venture with Old Mutual and the Public Investment Corporation. Curro Private Colleges offers a career-focused matric alternative to learners with a Grade 9 pass.

How many kids are in a class at Curro?

With a maximum class size of 35 learners, Academy Schools are co-ed, single medium (English), and write the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination at the end of Grade 12. This cost-sensitive model ensures the lowest possible school fees without compromising academic standards and the excellent Curro curriculum.

How many Curro Academy schools are there?

The group – which currently has 166 schools and 70 campuses under management – said it expects learner numbers to grow over the coming year. From end 2019 to the start of the 2020 period, learner numbers grew by 9% from 57,597 to 62,689.

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