List Of Geology Schools In Namibia 2024-2025

List Of Geology Schools In Namibia 2024-2025

List Of Geology Schools In Namibia

List Of Geology Schools In Namibia

What is Geology?

Geology is an Earth science concerned with the solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change over time. Geology can also include the study of the solid features of any terrestrial planet or natural satellite such as Mars or the Moon.

List Of Geology Schools In Namibia

Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)

University of Namibia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many years does it take to be a geologist?

How long does it take to become a geologist? Students can expect to spend around 4 years pursuing a bachelor’s degree in geology, with an additional 2-6 years of graduate study to obtain a master’s or doctoral degree.

Is geology a useless degree?

The degree isn’t worthless, but there are definitely degrees that will offer you better job opportunities right now than Geology, especially if you are in it for the money. Expecting an office job and a high paying salary to go with it right off the bat, and left for the railroad when it didn’t happen right away.

Is geology a good career in Namibia?

The employment opportunities for Geologists are very good. A geologist can also get opportunities to work in the industries related to mining, oil and gas, minerals and water resources. Some of the top sectors that require Geologists are mentioned below: Petroleum and mining companies.

Requirement to study Geology in Namibia

To register in the B.Sc. Geology (Honours) Degree, a candidate must hold a valid NSSC-O or NSSC-A certificate or equivalent with passes in at least five subjects which add up to 25 points, calculated using the UNAM specified scale. In addition to the above requirements, the candidate must have at least a ‘C’ symbol in English, a ‘C’ symbol in Physical Sciences and a ‘C’ symbol in Mathematics on NSSC or equivalent qualification. First year students are required to pass a departmental selection test before admission to the B.Sc. Geology (Honours) program. Mature age entrants will gain admission as per UNAM mature age entry regulations contained in the General Prospectus: Information, Regulations and Fees.

Field work to various mines and places of geological interest are an integral part of the geology curriculum. The field work activity varies from 1-3 day trips to 1-4 weeks during semester breaks and at the end of the year. Students should note that field trips are physically strenuous and all students participating in the field trips are therefore required to be medically fit for outdoor activities. In addition students will be required to purchase certain items essential for field work.

Is geology a difficult course?

Students interested in geology can prepare by taking basic courses in math, science and geography. Geology is not any more difficult or easy to learn than any other academic subject. It is however a science and requires time and dedication if you want to achieve success in the subject.

Is there a lot of math in geology?

Math in geology is more optional than math in other science or engineering majors – for example, many good undergraduate curricula do not require calculus, and may only require minimal statistics. That said, getting a geology degree with minimal math is over thing, and becoming a successful geologist is another.

Are geologists in demand in Namibia?

Are geologists in demand? Despite the downturn in the mineral resources sector, the long-term job outlook for geologists is positive. In fact, the number of new geology graduates is not projected to meet expected needs.

What math do geologists use?

Crystallographers make use of linear algebra by using the Metrical Matrix. The Metrical Matrix uses the basis vectors of the unit cell dimensions to find the volume of a unit cell, d-spacings, the angle between two planes, the angle between atoms, and the bond length.

What does a geologist do?

A geologist is a scientist who studies the solid, liquid, and gaseous matter that constitutes the Earth and other terrestrial planets, as well as the processes that shape them. Geologists usually study geology, although backgrounds in physics, chemistry, biology, and other sciences are also useful.

Where are igneous rocks found in Namibia?

2600 to 1600 Ma) in Namibia. These include the volcanic Haib Subgroup and Vioolsdrif Granite Suite along the Orange River, the volcano-sedimentary Khoabendus and Rehoboth Groups, as well as the Kunene and Grootfontein Igneous Complexes in the north.

What minerals are found in Namibia?

Namibia’s mining industry produces diamonds, uranium, copper, magnesium, zinc, silver, gold, lead, semi-precious stones and industrial minerals. However, diamonds and uranium still represent the country’s most salient commodities from an export revenue point of view.

What jobs are related to geology in Namibia?

  • Geoscientist
  • Field assistant
  • Mine Geologist
  • MUD Logger
  • Consulting Geologist
  • Environmental Field Technician
  • Assistant Geologist
  • Meteorologist

Which country is best for geologist?

If you consider the challenges in exploring new things, then African countries are good. If you consider the job values, salary, etc, then U.S. and Canada are good. If you consider the research field, I say European countries are good.

Can I study geology without physics?

As far as A-levels are concerned, Geography is absolutely essential. Many universities will also require you to take one or two of Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology. Geology isn’t compulsory, though, as only a minority of schools teach it. As this list shows, a scientific mindset is required.

Is geoscience the same as geology?

Geology is minerals, maps, and mountains; rocks, resources, and eruptions; erosion, sediment, and caves. Earth science and geoscience are the study of geology as well as pollution, food webs, paleontology, habitats, plates, and climate change. It involves all of Earth’s dynamic processes, not just those on the crust.

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