List of Kalangala District Vacancies 2024-2025

List of Kalangala District Vacancies 2024-2025

Kalangala District was made a district in 1989, having been a sub-district of Masaka District. The district was fully decentralised in 1996 and has since registered political stability and advancement, with the three C’s (Consultation, Coordination and Communication) as the districtvalues and the cores of service delivery.

Administrative units in Kalangala District include:

  • 2 Counties;
  • 6 sub counties;
  • 1 Town council;
  • Current (2013) population estimate is 70,760 people.
  • The District currently has 15 Health facilities (2 HC IVs, 6 HC IIIs, and 7 HC IIs.
  • Economic activities are fishing and farming (Oil palm growing).
  • Made up with 84 islands, 7 islands are with health facilities.

 Location and Size

Kalangala District is situated in Southwestern Uganda between longitudes 32o01’ East and 32o52′ East and latitudes 0o10′ South and 1o00′ South. It shares boundaries with Mpigi and Wakiso Districts in the North, Mukono District in the East, the United Republic of Tanzania in the South, Masaka and Rakai Districts in the West.

The district is entirely made up of 84 islands widely scattered in Lake Victoria over a total area of 9,066.8 sq. km, of which 432.1 sq. km (4.8%) is land and the rest is water mass.

The district is accessible by road and motor vehicle through Bukakata(an inland port in Masaka district) to Luku(an inland port in Kalangala district) using the Bukakata- Luku Ferry.  Via the Northern route i.e. from Entebbe (Nakiwogo Landing), there are steamer (MV Kalangala) services to Kalangala Town Council (Lutoboka Landing). Kasenyi and Kitubulu landing sites, in Wakiso District, are also major gateways into the district using private means of water transport.

How to Apply for Kalangala District Vacancies

Apply for Kalangala District Vacancies

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