List of Kitgum District Vacancies 2024-2025

List of Kitgum District Vacancies 2024-2025

Kitgum is one of the seven Districts in the Acholi sub-region in Northern Uganda. At independence in 1962, Kitgum was part of Acholi District. In 1974, under the provincial administration the then Acholi District was divided into two districts, West Acholi and East Acholi. The latter became Kitgum District in 1980 (Fountain, 2011). In 2000 Pader County was carved off Kitgum District to form Pader District. And in 2010 Lamwo County was similarly carved off to form Lamwo District, leaving Kitgum District comprising of Chua East and Chua West Counties.

Kitgum District is located between Longitude 320E and 340E and Latitude 020N and 040 N. It is bordered by the Republic of Southern Sudan to the north, Karenga District to the east, Kotido District to the South East, Agago District to the South, Pader District to the Southwest and Lamwo District to the Northwest. Kitgum District has a total land area of 4,042 square kilometers. According to Population Census 2014, Kitgum District has a total population of 204,012 which is There are 98,438 males constituting 48.3% of the district population and 105,574 females constituting 51.7% of the District Population. The annual growth rate now stands at 1.69%.

“A prosperous and peaceful district with good communication link”
“Improved service delivery for poverty reduction in Kitgum District”
“To deliver services to the people of Kitgum district focusing on National priorities and local needs for poverty reduction and improvement in the quality of life”
Banking institutions

Stanbic Bank, Centenary Bank, DFCU Bank, Post Bank, Kitgum SACCO
Hotel Facility

Bomah Apartment Hotel, Royal Hotel Kitgum, Little Palace Kitgum
JAFLO Garden TIMBO, Acholi Pride, Loss Angles, Pelican motel, Queen’s palace hotel, Travis motel, Village court, Kitgum royal hotel, Olympia guest house, Dewalt hotel, Little palace, Pleasant view, Cactus hotel, De-leve guest house, Vages motel etc

Population density

The population density of Kitgum is 51.5 persons per Sq. km compared to 42.2 persons per Sq. Km in 2002 The population is however unevenly distributed with some sub counties having high population densities, Example Kitgum Municipal has 1,462.4 Sq. Km while Orom Sub County stands at 14.9 Sq. Km. According to the population density of the various Sub Counties, it’s clear that opportunity of largescale farming is huge in all the 9 Sub Counties of Kitgum District except Kitgum Municipal.Household size

Kitgum District has a total of 39,959 Households, giving an average size of 5.2 persons per household. Most families are extended in nature leading to economic pressure on the head of the household. Orom, Omiya Anyima and Labongo Layamo have average HHs size above the District’s average.

Population Characteristics, Size, Distribution and Growth

The Total population of Kitgum (204,012) is 0.59% of the Total National Population (34,856,813) according to the 2014 Provisional census results. The Total males of 98,438 in Kitgum District is 0.58% of the Total National population of Male (16,935,456) and the Total female of 105,574 in Kitgum is 0.59% of Total National population of Female (17,921,357).


Kitgum District had an Urban population totaling to 44,604 (21.86%). The urban area in this context comprise of only Kitgum Municipal excluding other trading centers in the various Sub Counties. This implies that the majority of Kitgum District’s Population 159,408 (78.14%) lives in rural areas.
Household Number, Size, heads

According to 2014 census, total households in Kitgum district was 39,959 with household size of 5.2 persons. 24.2% (9,675) of the households were in Urban area while 75.8% (30,284) of the households are living in Rural area.

Administrative structure

Kitgum is a Two County District with 8 Sub-counties, 1 town council and 1 Municipal Urban Council. There are 45 Parishes and 499 Villages in the 8 Sub-counties. Urban Council has 11 Parishes and 43 Wards/ Cells.

How to Apply for Kitgum District Vacancies

Apply for Kitgum District Vacancies

Contact Details

P.O Box , Uganda |

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