Lists of Language Schools in Namibia 2024-2025

Lists of Language Schools in Namibia 2024-2025

Lists of Language Schools in Namibia

What is a Language School?

A language school is a school where one studies a foreign language. Classes at a language school are usually geared towards, for example, communicative competence in a foreign language.

Overview of Language Schools in Namibia

At a language school, students usually have the possibility of selecting a specific course according to their language proficiency.

The key focus is on the upgrading of competence in the use of English, and the teaching of the University core courses; i.e. Academic Writing for Postgraduate Students, English for Academic Purposes, English Communication and Study Skills, English for General Communications and English for Certificate Purposes

According to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), there are six languages levels that define students language proficiency base on their speaking, writing and reading skills. Students will be then assigned to the course that matches their skills.

List of School of Languages in Namibia

UNAM School of Namibian and Foreign Languages

NUST Department of Languages

CABINcc Language Courses Namibia

Embassy of Venezuela

Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre

Goethe Institute

The Centre for Deaf and Communication Studies (CCDS)

Language Schools in Namibia

University of Namibia

The University of Namibia (Unam) language centre offers Afrikaans, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Khoekhoegowab, Kiswahili, Oshikwanyama, Oshindonga, Otjiherero, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Silozi for both Unam students and the general public.

Classes are N$1 000 per semester (about six months) for the general public, meeting for four hours a week. Classes are subject to availability and need at least 10 people signing up for the programme to take place. They usually advertise in local papers about the next intake, or you can contact 061 206 3940 for more information.

Embassy of Venezuela

The embassy offers free lessons in beginners Spanish taught by qualified teachers. Contact them at 061 227 905 for more information about how and when to register.

Goethe Institut

The Goethe Institut offers standard German classes for adults, for children up to age 16, as well as specialised courses for companies that would like to learn the language.

They also offer Oshiwambo and Afrikaans classes. Call 061 225 700 for more information.

Confucius Institute

With the Namibian and Chinese relationship ever growing, more and more people are becoming interested in learning Chinese. Offered by the Confucius Institute for N$500 for Unam students and N$750 per semester for the public, classes are broken into levels at the Unam main campus, Khomasdal campus and Katima Mulilo and Ongwediva campuses.

Accredited by the HSK, which is the international standardised Chinese proficiency test, when achieving level four, it will make it easier for participants to apply to Chinese universities for those who want to continue their studies there.

The institute currently offers Chinese at five secondary schools in Namibia and the director Sufang Zhang explains that being able to speak both Chinese and English can give Namibians a competitive edge in the job market as with growing business relations, being able to speak both languages can prove to be very useful.

Call 061 206 4762 for more information.

Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre

The Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) offers French lessons for children and high school pupils and evening classes for adults. For those who prefer individual lessons, they also offer one-on-one tuition to fit around your busy schedule. Registration for the second term is currently open. Call 061 224 927 for more information.

Sign Language

We begin to start recognising language at around six months old and at 12 months, we start to be able to speak simple words.

Some people develop speech and language problems from a young age, which inhibits their ability to communicate with those around them.

The Centre for Deaf and Communication Studies (CCDS) works to strengthen Namibian Sign Language as well as promote awareness and understanding of deafness in Namibia in order to ensure that the deaf are included in their communities.

There are roughly 27 000 deaf people living in Namibia, and the head of department Lizette Beukes says “it is important for Namibians to learn sign language in order to help communicate with the deaf who are often marginalised”.

CCDS offers sign language classes for work groups upon request, and also works closely with teachers to help them be able to communicate with deaf pupils.

They also have an online resource called Sign Wiki Namibia which offers videos, photos and explanations of different signs in Namibian sign language, which can be found at

Call 061 400 468 for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by school language?

School language is the language spoken in the school. In many bilingual, homes, they are different. A child who starts school knowing only a home language that is different from the school language frequently needs help learning to speak the school language.

How much does language school cost?

The expense of language learning greatly depends on how long and often you take language classes, and how popular the program is.

What do you mean by home language?

A home language is a language (or the variety of a language) that is most commonly spoken by the members of a family for everyday interactions at home. Also called the family language or the language of the home.

Which is our first language?

Your first language is usually the language you learned and spoke in the home. It can also be your primary language, especially if you’ve later learned a second language.

What is difference between home language and school language?

Home language is usually more casual. It is the language you use to speak with your friends, your parents, and your siblings. School language tends to be more academic.

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