Louwes Water Scholarship – Oxford University Centre for the Environment

Louwes Water Scholarship – Oxford University Centre for the Environment

Louwes Water Scholarship: The Oxford University Centre for the Environment proposes to elect to the Louwes Water Scholarship.

The Scholarship will cover university and college fees, a living allowance of £10,000, and a contribution towards travel from the Scholar’s country of residence.

If not already admitted to Christ Church, the Scholar will be offered, and must accept, a place at Christ Church, who will offer the Scholar college accommodation.

The Scholarship is open to all nationalities, but in line with the wishes of the Louwes bequest, applications from students from developing countries are particularly welcome, and all applicants must have a demonstrable interest in water issues in developing countries.

Deadline: Offered each year.

Application forms can be obtained from; Ruth Saxton, Postgraduate Admissions Administrator, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK or downloaded online.

For more information and application forms, see: Louwes Water Scholarship – Oxford University Centre for the Environment Website

List of International Scholarships 

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