Lubaga Health Training Institution Admission Requirements

Lubaga Health Training Institution Admission Requirements

Diploma in Midwifery (Extensor)

The school offers a Midwifery extension course leading to an award of a Diploma.

Eligibility for the course

  • The applicant shall be eligible for admission on extension course, if she has had at least two 
  • years experience in the clinical area and not more than (10) years in service.
  • Has been verified and found fit for the course.
  • An applicant must either be:

a) Registered Psychiatric Nurse

b) Enrolled Comprehensive Nurse

c) Enrolled Midwife.

d) Registered Nurse

Read more: Diploma in Midwifery (Extensor)

Diploma in Nursing (Extensor)

The school offers an Registered Nursing extension course leading to an award of a Diploma.

Eligibility to the course

(a) Applicants must either be:

i) Registered Psychiatic Nurse

ii) Diploma Midwife

iii) Enrolled Nurse

Read more: Diploma in Nursing (Extensor)

Certificate In Midwifery

The school offers an enrolled midwifery direct entry course.

The entry requirements are:

(i) A Minimum of Five (5) Passes in the following subjects:

(ii) English Language, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics.

N.B. (Agriculture/Home Economics/Foods and Nutrition/Geography/Health Science compensate for physics if not done or failed at senior four).

“A” Level is an added advantage.

Read more: Certificate In Midwifery

Comprehensive Nursing Certificate

The school offers an enrolled comprehensive Nursing direct course.

The entry requirements are:

(i) A Minimum of Five (5) Passes in the following subjects:

(ii) English Language, Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics.

N.B. (Agriculture/Home Economics/Foods and Nutrition/Geography/Health Science compensate for physics if not done or failed at senior four).

“A” Level is an added advantage.

Read more: Comprehensive Nursing Certificate

Certificate Laboratory Assistants

The school offers a Laboratory Assistants (certificate) course.

(i) Eligibility:

For direct entry into the course these must be considered:

(a) Age limit 18 years and above

(b) Credits in English, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and three (3) credits or passes in any other subjects.

(c) Should have attained the above scores not longer than three years.

(d) Must satisfy the interview panel.

(e) Senior four and six leavers with credits in sciences at senior four.

Read more: Certificate Laboratory Assistants

Certificate Theatre Assistants

The school offers a Theatre Assistants course.

(i) Eligibility:

For direct entry into the course these must be considered:

(a) The course is for both male and female.

(b) Age limit 18 and above

(c) Education standard senior four with or without sciences.

(d) Minimal scores five passes in any subject sciences or arts.

(e) No time limit to years after completing senior four or six.

(f) N.B. Qualified Nurses or Midwives who wish to acquire skills in theatre techniques can be admitted in the second year for three to six months, depending on the qualifications and individual’s needs.

(g) Must satisfy the interview panel

Background of Lubaga Health Training Institution

Lubaga Health Training Institution Courses Offered

Lubaga Health Training Institution Contact Address

Lubaga Health Training Institution Mission Vision Objectives

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