Lugogo Vocational Training Institute Courses Offered

Lugogo Vocational Training Institute Courses Offered

List of Courses Offered at Lugogo Vocational Training Institute

Courses offered:

  1. Carpentry & Joinery ( C & J)
  2. Brick/ Block Laying & Concrete Practice (B/B&CP)
  3. Welding & Metal Fabrication (W&MF)
  4. Electrical Installation & Fitting (EI&F)
  5. Motor Vehicle Mechanics & Fitting (MV&F)
  6. Mechanical Engineering (Fitting & Machining) (F&M)
  7. Painting & Decorating (P&D)
  8. Plumbing & Pipe Fitting (P&PF)
  9. Electronics (RTET)
  10. Auto – Electric (AE)

Entrepreneurship skills.

This commercial skills training cuts across to all the courses.

Training programmes.

  1. Basic Skills Training (Full Day Programme)

These are two years programmes offered to O-level school leavers with good passes in science and technical subjects or its equivalent.  The courses lead to the award of three National Certificates; Uganda National Craft Certificate. Trade Test Grade One administered by DIT and the Uganda Craft Certificate administered by UNEB and UBTEB.  Admission starts in January and training in February / March.  Training is conducted from 08:00am to 4:30pm except on pubic holidays.

  1. Basic Skills Training (Evening Programme)

This is intended mainly for working people who are unable to attend full day classes in both basic and advanced craft / technician programmes.  Training is conducted from 5:30pm to 7:30pm (Monday to Friday) except on public holidays

  1. Tailor made and modular skills training

These are special skills training programmes offered to individuals, workers in industries / factories or organization that already have particular skill(s) and want to specialize or upgrade.  Duration for these programmes range from 01 (one) to 36 (thirty six) weeks depending on training needs.

  1. Advanced Craft /Technical Courses.

There are one year courses offered to holders of Craft Certificate Part I leading to the award of UNEB advanced Craft Certificate Part II in the respective courses.

  1. Business skills Training / Attachment

In order to enhance job creation and improvement, the institute offers compulsory business skills training to mainly full-day trainees.  A certificate in business skills awarded to those who successfully complete the twelve modules.  Computer and entrepreneurship skills training at the institute can also be assessed by other interested parties and individuals.

  1. Industrial Training Attachment

On completion of the first year, trainees are assisted by parents / guardians and the institute to get Industrial Training attachment to assess actual work places for enterprise based Training.  A number of large and medium scale enterprises are involved in the programme.

  1. Personnel

Lugogo Vocational Training Institute (LVTI) has a well qualified, experienced, devoted, dedicated, self driven and self motivated work force that needs minimal supervision in whatever they are assigned to do.

Background of Lugogo Vocational Training Institute

Lugogo Vocational Training Institute Contact Address

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