MAK Eight Innovator Teams Awarded RAN RIC4CONF Grants worth US$280,000

MAK Eight Innovator Teams Awarded RAN RIC4CONF Grants worth US$280,000

The Resilience Innovation Challenge for Conflict (RIC4CONF) Grants Call was announced by the ResilientAfrica Network (RAN), School of Public Health (MakSPH), Makerere University in March 2016. The call focused on the sourcing, developing, and scaling of transformative technologies and approaches that would strengthen resilience to shocks and stresses that arise from chronic conflict and its effects.

The call was directed at funding projects in the three innovative pathways of: Harnessing curriculum development towards skills development and entrepreneurship; Financial inclusion for wealth creation and Creating an inclusive environment for every citizen. To qualify for the award teams had to be made up of university students, university faculty and student-faculty collaborations from established universities worldwide. Teams could also be made up of organizations, individuals that weren’t necessarily university students, government entities, and so many others.

Teams were responsible for selecting a designated Team Leader who would serve as the primary point of contact for their team on all matters related to implementation of the grant, and correspondence. After a rigorous selection process, on 22nd September 2016, RAN announced eight innovator teams that had qualified to receive grants worth US$ 280,000.

“The award suitably reflects the endless hours all these innovators have spent identifying, nurturing and developing these innovative approaches and technologies,” said Harriet Adong, Communication Manager RAN. She reiterated that RAN is committed to working closely with all innovators to transform their solutions into ‘Game Changers’ in the African Market and beyond.

Seven of the eight teams will implement their projects in Uganda while only one will be implemented in Tanzania. Please see Downloads for list of Awardees.

Article by Public Relations Office

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