Makerere University Applications for Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Programme

Makerere University Applications for Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Programme 2017 – 2018

Makerere University Applications for Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Programme 2017 - 2018
Makerere University Applications for Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Programme 2017 – 2018

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications from suitable candidates for admission to a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Programme for Academic Year 2017/2018. This is a 4-year programme that comprises both Coursework and Dissertation.

Admission Requirements

In addition to General Admission Requirements, eligible candidates to a PhD in Economics Programme must have the following qualifications:

(i)A Master’s Degree in Economics by Coursework and Dissertation; and

(ii)A Master’s Degree by Coursework and Dissertation in Statistics, Mathematics, Engineering, Agricultural Economics and Quantitative Economics.

Annual Tuition Fees

Ugandan and East African Students: Ugx. 10,000,000/= (Ten Million)

International Students: Ugx. 20,000,000/= (Twenty Million)

Applications Procedure

  1. Hard copies of application forms can be obtained from Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, 3rd Floor Senate Building, Room 307 or downloaded from our website: after payment of Ug.Shs.50,000/= (Ugandan Applicants) and Ug.Shs.151,500/= (International Applicants) to any Stanbic Bank, DFCU Bank, Centenary Rural Development Bank, or Post Bank using Makerere University paying-in-bank slips.
  1. Completed application forms together with two passport photographs, two certified copies of academic transcripts/certificates, copies of both ‘O’ and ‘A’ level  and letters of referees  should be returned to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training Room 307 by Friday 8th  June 2017
  1. A brief personal Motivation statement (not more than 3 pages) should be submitted with the Application form.


Alfred Masikye Namoah



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