Makerere University International Students Admissions Requirements

Makerere University International Students Admissions Requirements

Makerere University welcomes International Students who satisfy the minimum entry requirements-see weighting system and Diploma holders’ requirements for Advanced Level and Diploma holders’ applicants respectively at

  1. Get pay in slips from Stanbic or DFCU bank at the main campus Makerere University where applicable.
  2. After paying the Fee of USD $ 75 or 172,500 UGX  take the bank slip to the main building (Finance Department) for verification where applicable.
  3. On presentation of the application fee bank slip, pick the application form from Room 316, Level 3, Senate Building.
  4. Applicants with academic documents prescribed in other languages other than English should be submitted to the School of Languages, Makerere University for translation into English.
  5. Applicants who obtained qualifications elsewhere other than Uganda should take their secondary school academic documents to Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) located in Ntinda for purposes of being equated to Ugandan grades.
  6. Completed forms should be returned to level 3, Senate Building, Room 316, and the following documents MUST be attached to the application form:
    • Original Pay in slip from the Bank
    • One Passport size photograph of the applicants’ current likeness
    • Photocopies of Secondary School   Certificates (i e Ordinary Level and Advanced Level) or its equivalent.
  7. Diploma/Degree holder’s applicants MUST attach certified photocopies of their academic transcripts issued by the awarding institutions.
  8. Applicants from countries where the language of instruction is not English are required to bring evidence of proficiency of English. However, Makerere University (School of Languages) conducts proficiency tests on request.
  9. Applicants wishing to be admitted to the Bachelor of Laws programme offered by Makerere University are required to take a pre-entry examination. 
  10. International students MUST present insurance certificates from a reputable insurance firm at the time of admission.So, the insurance firm should cater for any eventuality not Makerere University.
  11. The Academic Year normally starts in August every year. Applicants can download the form and send it with academic documents attached to;The Academic Registrar (Admissions),
    Makerere University,
    P O BOX 7062,

The Occasional Studentship Scheme

The Occasional Studentship Scheme was approved by the Senate at its Special Meeting Held on 3rd May, 2006

1. Objectives

(a) Improve the knowledge base of students.
(b) To enable a student acquire more knowledge through  experiential learning in a different environment.

Short Term Studentship Scheme

The Short Term Studentship Scheme was approved by the Senate at its Special Meeting Held on 3rd May, 2006. The Scheme caters for students who come to Makerere from other recognized Universities.

1. Objectives

(a)  Improvement of knowledge base of students.
(b) To enable a student to acquire more knowledge through  experiential learning in a different environment.

2. General Requirements

Makerere University Undergraduate Admission Requirements

Makerere University Postgraduate Admission Requirements

Makerere University Admission Requirements for Diploma Holders

Makerere University Mature Entry Requirements

Makerere University Occasional Students Entry Requirements

Makerere University Online Registration / Application Procedure