Makerere University School of Law Courses Offered

Makerere University School of Law Courses Offered

About the Law School


The history of legal education in Uganda can be traced to the early 1950s. In July 1952, the then Chief Secretary of the Protectorate Government issued a Gene “AFRICAN PUPILS – CROWN LAW CHAMBERS”. The General Notice read as follows: The ATTORNEY GENERAI, with the consent of the Governor has expressed his readiness to accept African pupils who are natives of Uganda in his Chambers in order to assist promising young men to prepare themselves for a career in the Colonial Legal Service or for employment in judicial and legal work with their African Local Government.

Pupils wishing to enter the Colonial Legal Service, unless already called to the Bar, would during their pupillage have to study for their Bar examinations and would also after their pupilage have to spend a period in Chambers in England. Detailed and suitable arrangements would have to be in respect of each pupil. Pupils intending to return to their local governments would have a shorter training but would be expected to pass certain examinations. Again, suitable arrangements would be made in respect of each pupil dependent on his previous experience and the employment likely to be offered him by his government.


The SCHOOL OF LAW has the following as its objectives:

To educate Ugandan lawyers in their own country so that they are more familiar with Ugandan Law, the legal system and all the legal problems in their sociological, political, economic and general cultural context.
To produce law graduates who are satisfactorily prepared for further training and grooming for professional practice that is of value and service to the people individually and to the country at large.
To produce law graduates of the highest academic standing and calibre competent to execute all and any legal work in any capacity either as state Attorneys or as private legal practitioners of legal executive officers.
To provide other University students and members of the public with the quality and quantity of legal knowledge and service required in their residence; and,
To preserve and foster the traditional role of a university in propagating knowledge both within and outside the country of its setting.

School Vision

To be of Africa’s pre-eminent Law Schools with a rich tradition of excellence in the teaching of Law, Legal training and Research.

Mission Statement

To impart quality legal knowledge and skills within an inter-disciplinary framework inspired by legal scholarship, outreach and a commitment to Justice for all, and produce graduates well equipped to deal with new and emerging legal problems who will serve their clients and the community with integrity and excellence.

Law Courses Offered

YEAR I: SEMESTER ONE (all courses are core)

Course Code Title LH TH PH CH CU
LAW 1106 Introducing Law* 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 1107 Development Studies 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 1108 Fundamentals of Criminal Law 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 1109 Law of Contracts I* 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 1110 Principles of Constitutional Law I* 45 30 Nil 60 4

YEAR I: SEMESTER TWO [All Courses are core]

Course Code Title LH TH PH CH CU
LAW 1206 Legal Methods 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 1207 Administrative Law I 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 1208 Criminal Liability 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 1209 Law of Contracts II 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 1210 Principles of Constitutional Law II 45 30 Nil 60 4

YEAR II: SEMESTER ONE [All Courses are core]

Course Code Title LH TH PH CH CU
LAW 2106 Nature and History of Torts 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 2107 Administrative Law II 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 2108 Equity and Trusts 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 2109 Law of Evidence I 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 2110 Foundations of Land Law 45 30 Nil 60 4

YEAR II: SEMESTER TWO [All Courses are core]

Course Code Title LH TH PH CH CU
LAW 2207 Negligence, Strict Liability and Procedure in Torts 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 2208 Social Research Methods 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 2209 Family Law I 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 2210 Law of Evidence II 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 2211 Land Transactions 45 30 Nil 60 4

YEAR III: SEMESTER ONE [Three Cores, Two Electives]

Course Code Title LH TH PH CH CU
LAW 3108 Jurisprudence I (core)* 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 3109 Family Law II (core) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 3110 Law of Sale of Goods and Hire Purchase (core) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 3111 Conflict of Laws (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 3112 Principles of International Law I* (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 3113 Banking and Negotiable Instruments (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 3114 International and Regional Human Rights (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4

YEAR III: SEMESTER TWO [Three Cores, Two Electives]

Course Code Title LH TH PH CH CU
3209 Jurisprudence II (core) 45 30 Nil 60 4
3210 Criminal Procedure (core) 45 30 Nil 60 4
3211 Law of Business Associations I (core) 45 30 Nil 60 4
3212 Environmental Law and Policy (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
3213 Principles of International Law II (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
3214 Human Rights in the Domestic Perspective (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
3215 Consumer Law and Protection (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4


Course Code Title LH TH PH CH CU
LAW 3301 Field Attachment NIL NIL 300 75 5

YEAR IV: SEMESTER ONE [One Core, Four Electives]

Course Code Title LH TH PH CH

LAW 4110 Civil Procedure I (core) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 4111 Clinical Legal Education (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 4112 Law of Business Associations II (Core) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 4113 Revenue Law and Taxation I (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 4114 International Trade and Business (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 4115 Health and the Law I (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 4116 Intellectual Property Law I (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 4117 Labour Law I (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LAW 4118 Insurance Law (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4

YEAR IV: SEMESTER TWO [One Core, Four Electives]

Course Code Title LH TH PH CH

4212 Civil Procedure II (core) 45 30 Nil 60 4
4213 Research Paper (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
4214 Estate Planning (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
4215 Revenue Law and Taxation II (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
4216 Gender and the Law (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
4217 Criminology and Penology (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
4218 Hire Purchase and Bankruptcy (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
4219 Computers and the Law (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
4220 Intellectual Property Law II (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
4221 Labour Law II (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
4222 Health and the Law II (Elective) 45 30 Nil 60 4
LH = Lecture Hours
TH = Tutorial Hours
P = Practicals
CH = Course Hours
CU = Course Units

  • Pre-requisite Courses are marked with an asterisk. A pre-requisite is a condition (either course or classification) which has to be satisfied prior to enrolling for a similar higher level course.


YEAR I: SEMESTER ONE (all courses are core)

Course Code and Title LH TH PH CH CU
MLAW 7101 Social Research Methods I*

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7102 Corporate Finance

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7103 Computers and the Law

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7104 Conflict of Laws I

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7105 Environmental Law & Policy

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7106 Health Law & Policy I

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7107 Intellectual Property I: Patents

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7108 International & Regional Human Rights Law I: Concepts & Mechanisms

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7109 International Institutions & Orgs

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7110 International Law I

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7111 Jurisprudence I

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7112 Labour Law I

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7113 Law of Treaties 60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7114 Law on World Trade Organisations

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7115 Legal Control of Natural Resources

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7116 Revenue Law & Taxation I

60 15 Nil 75 5

Course Code and Title LH TH PH CH CU
MLAW 7201 Social Research Methods II**

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7202 Criminology & Penology

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7203 Corporate Governance

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7204 Conflict of Laws II

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7205 Comparative Constitutional Law

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7206 Gender and the Law

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7207 Health Law & Policy II

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7208 Human Rights in the Domestic Perspective

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7209 Insurance Law & Practice

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7210 Intellectual Property II: Copyrights, Trademarks and Designs 60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7211 International Environmental Law

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7212 International & Regional Human Rights Law II: Substantive Rights

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7213 International Law II

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7214 Jurisprudence II

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7215 Labour Law II

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7216 Law on Use of Force & Armed Conflict

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7217 Law on International Economic Institutions: IMF & World Bank

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7218 Refugee Law & Migration

60 15 Nil 75 5
MLAW 7219 Revenue Law & Taxation II

60 15 Nil 75 5

Course Code and Title LH TH PH CH CU
MLAW 8102 Research & Dissertation Writing

60 15 Nil 600 54

Course Code and Title LH TH PH CH CU
MLAW 8202 Research & Dissertation Writing

60 15 Nil 600 54

Contact details

Address: PO Box 7062 Kampala, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: +256 41 4542284

What are the entry requirements for law?

Entrance Requirements for the LLB degree are

A National Senior Certificate with degree admission. English Home Language level 5 or English First Additional Language level 6. Mathematical Literacy level 5 or Mathematics level 3. Life Orientation level.

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