Marian University College MARUCO Registration

MARUCO Registration

 Marian University College MARUCO Registration


All selected students shall be registered after fulfillment of the following:

(i) Fees Payment

(a)No student shall be allowed to register or attend classes unless the required fees have been paid as per Fee structure instruction. Fee structure is available on MARUCO website

(b)Bring the Original Pay in Slip with you. Cash, cheques, scanned pay in slips; faxes, emails of confirmation of payments and any other form of payments are not acceptable.

(c). Fees paid will not be refunded if a student withdraws or leaves the University without permission.

(d)However, if a student receives prior permission from the Deputy Principal (Academic) to withdraw or to be away from the College and provided that the application in writing to withdraw or to be away from the College is submitted within two weeks of the academic year or semester, fifty percent of the fees may be refunded.

(ii)Documents for Registration

(a)Note your Admission Number and Programme admitted to.

(b)All students must bring Original Certificates of Form 4, Form 6 and Diploma/Certificate (for candidates selected under equivalent qualifications) and Original Birth Certificate. Note that photocopies, downloaded internet results, faxes, affidavits and certified results are not acceptable. However, Original Result Slips for only Form 6 may be accepted).

(c)No Student will be registered without submission of Original certificates and transcripts (academic or non academic).

(d)Students shall be registered under the names appearing in the Certificates they

submitted for the application. No change of names shall be accepted unless all requirements provided under MARUCO Students’ By – Laws have been observed.

(e)Students must register for the course programme, which they have been admitted. No change of Programme shall be accepted.


(a)No student shall be allowed to postpone studies after the academic year has begun except under special circumstances. Permission to postpone studies shall be considered after the student has produced satisfactory evidence of the reasons for postponement to the Deputy Principal (Academic) or Legal Officer/Corporate Counsel. Special circumstances shall include ill health or serious social problems.

(b)No students shall be allowed to postpone studies during the four weeks preceding end of semester examinations, but may for valid reasons be considered for postponement of examinations.

(c)Students shall commit themselves in writing to abide by the College’s Rules and Regulations as required in the registration form. A copy of the students Rules and Regulations shall be made available to the student through the office of the Dean of Students. These rules are also available in MARUCO website Students are encouraged to read and abide by them.

(d)Students shall be issued identification cards, which they must carry all times and which shall be produced when demanded by appropriate University College Officers. The identity card is not transferable and any fraudulent use may result in loss of student privileges or suspension.

(e)Loss of the Identity Card should be reported to the Office of Dean of students, where a new one can be obtained after paying an appropriate fee (currently Tshs 20,000/=) as stipulated under MARUCO Rules and Regulations.

(f)A student registered for a course programme at Marian University College may not enroll concurrently in any other institution without special permission in writing of the appropriate Faculty Dean of the University College.

(g)Late registration if any after the deadline is liable to a

penalty of Tshs 100,000/= (One hundred thousand).

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