Master of Human Settlements Scholarships

Master of Human Settlements Scholarships

Master of Human Settlements Scholarships: This intensive programme focuses on issues of housing, building and spatial planning in a context of development under scarce resources and pressing social and environmental constraints.

A specific research-oriented trajectory can serve as a pre-doctoral track for the Ph.D. A trajectory that focuses on urban design, landscape and spatial planning, on the other hand, may lead to admission to the third semester of the Master of Urbanism and Strategic Planning degree, which is a four-semester degree.

VLIR Scholarships are only available for the Master of Human Settlements, not for the possible continuation in the Master of Urbanism and Strategic Planning.

Admission requirements:

Applicants must hold a degree of Bachelor or Master of Architecture or Architectural Engineering (with a minimum of five years academic study).

Other applicants must have a proven interest and experience in the field of Human Settlements. Job experience is preferred.

Among other selection criteria, an excellent academic record is essential, as well as fluent English and a letter of motivation.

For more information and application, see: Master of Human Settlements Scholarships

List of International Scholarships 

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