Master of Science in Photonics Scholarships

Master of Science in Photonics Scholarships

Master of Science in Photonics Scholarships: The European Commission Erasmus Mundus Programme offers Master of Science in Photonics Scholarships to students from outside the European union.

Five leading research and educational institutions in Europe are collaborate to offer a joint Erasmus Mundus Master of Science program in Photonics, providing a top-quality eduction in all aspects of photonics.

The master programme has a duration of two years (120 ECTS points), with students spending a year in two different countries.

Duration: 2 years

Admission criteria: Applicants should have a Bachelor degree in electrical engineering, physics, applied physics or similar with a degree equivalent to first class honours or good second class.

Other criteria that will be taken into account are awards, TOEFL scores, external references and details of earlier project work.

Lead university: University of Gent, Belgium

Partner universities: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom, Heriot-Watt Universit, United Kingdom, Royal Technical University, Sweden.

Deadline for applications: 31 January.

Contact person: Roel Baets, University of Gent, Department of Information Technology, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent, Belgium. E-mail: EMMP[at]

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