Master of Science in Technology Innovation and Industrial Development at Makerere University

Master of Science in Technology Innovation and Industrial Development at Makerere University

The Programme

The M.Sc. TIID programme is a new programme in the Faculty of Technology. The programme has been developed by key personnel that have extensive experience in different projects and programmes financed by NORAD and other Agencies. Following several years of collaboration between the Faculty of Technology and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, a team was established to spearhead the establishment of the M.Sc. TIID. Thus, the programme will initially be run in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management. The two institutions applied and received a grant of 4,500,000 Norwegian Kroner to facilitate this collaboration for four years within the NORAD Master Studies Programme (NOMA).

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management has several programmes in related fields.  The Master of Industrial Economics and Technology Management is considered very successful, based on criteria like the number of applications, academic ranking and industrial attractiveness. In addition, the International Master of Project Management has become the second largest international master’s degree programme at the university with students applying from all over the world. The Faculty of Technology has drawn experiences from this programme and contextualized it to the Ugandan situation. This was possible by drawing on experiences and collaboration with Ugandan industry through the various professional organizations like the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers, the Uganda Association of Architects, the Uganda National Association of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors, the Uganda Manufacturers Association and the Uganda Small Scale Industries Association.

Programme Objectives

This programme is in line with the Makerere University mission which is; ”To provide innovative teaching, learning, research and services responsive to national and global needs”, the main aim of the Master of Science in Technology Innovation and Industrial Development is:

To enhance the national capacity for academia and industry to innovate and improve national competitiveness by offering specialized knowledge and skills for implementation of innovation and commercialization projects in industry.

In addition, the programme aims at developing the necessary capacity for the national goal of rapid industrialization of the country’s economy and modernization.

The specific objectives of the programme are:

  1. To enhance cooperation between the university, Government and the industrial sector in the country by addressing the challenges faced by industry through training employees from industry, carrying out relevant research projects and sharing expertise, capacities and competence for the benefit of stimulating innovation in industry.
  2. To provide students with knowledge in industrial development, innovations and running of organizations in an efficient and effective way.
  3. To train students in product research and development, and project management methodologies.
  4. To enhance capacity of engineering graduates to offer expert professional services in the form of consultancy to industries.
  5. To produce graduates who have the technical and analytical expertise and the keen understanding of the business environment needed to succeed in entrepreneurial activities.

Programme Implementation

The M.Sc. TIID Program is to be based on 2 plans, Plan A and Plan B, as follows;

Plan A: Coursework and Dissertation

Plan B: Extended Coursework and Project Report

For any student to graduate in this Programme, the following requirements will have to be fulfilled;

  1. A student’s progression under Plan A is dependent on whether he/she has a Research Proposal by second week of the 3rd Semester.
  2. A student’s progression under Plan B is dependent on whether he/she has project Proposal by second week of the 4th Semester.
  3. The Pass Mark for all Courses shall be 60%.
  4. Credited Entrepreneurship Seminar Series conducted by students are mandatory.
  5. All Coursework for this Programmes are examined externally.
  6. The Title of the Thesis/Dissertation/Project Report appears on the Academic Transcript with respective grades indicated.
  7. The Dissertation is in Partial Fulfillment of the Degree.


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Detailed Course Content



Semester 1 code Course name LH PH TH CH CU Type of Course

Core courses

TID7101 Technology Innovation and R&D Principles 45 30 0 60 4 Core
TID7105 Information Technology  Systems 45 30 0 60 4 Core
TID7103 Strategic Management 45 30 0 60 4 Core
TID7104 Advanced Research Methods for Science and Engineering 45 30 0 60 4 Core
Elective courses(Choose One) TID7102 Engineering Economics 45 30 0 60 4 Elective
TID8101 Process Improvement & Maintenance engineering 45 30 0 60 4 Elective
TID8104 Life-cycle Analysis and Sustainability 45 30 0 60 4 Elective
TID8102 Safety, Health & Environment Management 45 30 0 60 4 Elective
TID7106: Clusters & Innovation Systems in Industrial Development 45 30 0 60 4 Elective
Total CU 20


Semester II code Course name LH PH TH CH CU Type of Course
Core courses TID7201 Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship 45 0 30 60 4 Core
TID7202 Logistics Engineering 45 0 30 60 4 Core
TID7203 Engineering Programme and Project Management 45 30 0 60 4 Core
TID8105 Advanced Product Design and Development 45 0 30 60 4 Core
Elective course(Choose One) TID7205 Value Engineering and Value  Management 45 15 15 60 4 Elective
TID7204 Quality Management 45 30 0 60 4 Elective
TID7207 New Business Venture Strategy 45 15 15 60 4 Elective
Total CU 20


SEMESTER III and IV code Course name LH PH TH CH CU Type of Course
SEMINAR SERIES AND DISSERTATION TID8106 Seminar series 0 300 0 150 10 Core
TID7102 Dissertation 0 300 0 150 10 Core
Total CU 20




Semester 1 code Course name LH PH TH CH CU Type of Course

Core courses

TID7101 Technology Innovation and R&D Principles 45 30 0 60 4 Core
TID7102 Engineering Economics 60 0 0 60 4 Core
TID7103 Strategic Management 60 0 0 60 4 Core
TID7104 Advanced Research Methods for Science and Engineering 45 0 30 60 4 Core
Elective courses(Choose One) TID7105 Information Technology  Systems 45 0 30 60 4 Elective
TID7106 Clusters & Innovation Systems in Industrial Development 45 30 0 60 4 Elective
Total CU 20


Semester II code Course name LH PH TH CH CU Type of Course
Core courses TID7201 Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship 45 0 30 60 4 Core
TID7202 Logistics Engineering 45 0 30 60 4 Core
TID7203 Engineering Programme and Project Management 45 30 0 60 4 Core
TID7204 Quality Management 60 0 0 60 4 Core
Elective course(Choose One) TID7205 Value Engineering and Value  Management 45 15 15 60 4 Elective
TID7207 New Business Venture Strategy 45 15 15 60 4 Elective
Total CU 20


Semester III Code Course name LH PH TH CH CU Type of Course
Core Courses TID8103 Project Work 0 135 30 60 4 Core
Elective Course (Choose Two) TID8101 Process Improvement & Maintenance engineering 30 0 30 45 3 Elective
TID8102 Safety, Health & Environment Management 30 0 30 45 3 Elective
TID8104 Life-cycle Analysis and Sustainability 30 0 30 45 3 Elective
TID8105 Advanced Product Design and Development 30 30 45 3 Elective
Total CU 10


Semester IV Code Course name LH PH TH CH CU Type of Course
Core TID8201 Project Report 0 300 0 150 10 Core
Total CU 10

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