Master/Phd Scholarships in Conflict Studies & Management

Master/Phd Scholarships in Conflict Studies & Management

Scholarships in Conflict Studies & Management: The ‘Conflict Studies and Management Programme’ (CSMP) is a new programme implemented by the ‘Willy Brandt School of Public Policy’ in Erfurt (Brandt School) and the ‘German Academic Exchange Service’ (DAAD).

It is addressed to Master’s students, doctoral students and senior researchers with an interest in conflict management in research and practise.

The CSMP aims at preparing students who want to pursue a career in relevant organisations and seeks to produce applicable knowledge in the area of conflict studies.

This special programme is intended for highly-qualified foreign Master’s and doctoral students as well as senior scientists.

The CSMP fellowships offer outstanding scientists and researchers the opportunity to conduct research with a focus on application at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Erfurt, Germany.

The fellows will have a teaching commitment at the Brandt School of generally 2 hours per week.

Furthermore, the CSMP scholarships offer excellent students the opportunity to obtain a Master’s degree or a doctorate within a specialised structured research and teaching programme.

Scholarship amounts range from 750 EUR to 2000 EUR and include: flat-rate travel allowance, health insurance, family allowances, tuition waiver, and 6 months German course.

For more information and scholarship application see; Master/Phd Scholarships in Conflict Studies & Management

List of International Scholarships 

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