Masters Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine

Masters Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine.

Masters Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine by Wellcome Trust UK.

This scheme strengthens scientific research capacity in developing countries, by providing support for junior researchers to gain research experience and high-quality research training at Masters degree level.

Research projects must be in the area of public health or tropical medicine, aimed at understanding and controlling human and animal diseases of local, national or global health importance.

Some fundamental biomedical studies are acceptable, but projects focused solely on in vitro or animal model studies will not normally be considered under this scheme.

The trust is particularly interested in requests for research training support in the social sciences, demography, health economics, medical statistics and vector biology.

This fellowship is part of a series of career awards aimed at building sustainable capacity in areas of research that have the potential for increasing health benefits for people and their livestock in developing countries.

Masters Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine – Support

  • This fellowship normally provides up to 30 months’ support.
  • While undertaking a Masters course, fellows will receive a stipend in accordance with the cost of living in the country in which he/she will be studying; travel costs and support for approved tuition fees.
  • Masters training by distance learning is acceptable.
  • Masters course fees will be paid according to the rate charged by the training institution.
  • A salary is provided for the period of the research project.
  • Project-dedicated research expenses (consumables, small items of equipment, collaborative travel and support to attend scientific meetings) are also provided.
  • Overseas allowances will be provided where appropriate.
  • Contributions to other costs of the project that are directly incurred by the overseas institution may also be provided.
  • Research-dedicated costs (excluding salary/stipend costs) should not exceed £20 000 per annum.Masters Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine – Eligibility

    You should be:


  • A national or legal resident of a developing country, and hold a first degree in subject relevant to tropical medicine or public health (clinical or non-clinical)
  • At an early stage in your career, with limited research experience, but have a demonstrated interest in or aptitude for research. 

    Deadline: August.

    For more information and application, visit: Masters Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine Website

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