Master’s Fellowships – USA
Master’s Fellowships – USA: The Eileen C. Maddex Fellowship and the National Alumni Fellowship will be awarded biennially.
Each fellowship and grant will be awarded on a competitive basis to a Kappa Omicron NU member.
Open to all nationalities
Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria:
- Get membership in Kappa Omicron Nu.
- Enrollment in a master’s program in home economics or one of the specializations in a university that has a strong research program with supporting disciplines in the area of research interest.
- Demonstrated scholarship
- Demonstrated interest in research
- Relevance of study and/or research to significant concerns related to home and family
- Potential for professional leadership.Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
For more information and scholarship applications, see: Master’s Fellowships – USA
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