MBA Scholarships – Richard Metzler and Roland Berger AMCF Scholarships

MBA Scholarships – Richard Metzler and Roland Berger AMCF Scholarships

MBA Scholarships – The Richard Metzler and Roland Berger AMCF Scholarships: The primary bases for selection for the award of the MBA Scholarships are scholarship and a commitment to management consulting.

Other qualities such as initiative, character, responsibility and community service are also considered.

The applicant must:


  • Be matriculated and attending an MBA degree program at a leading institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrate academic excellence.
  • Evidence strong leadership skills and have demonstrated responsible Citizenship through community service or related activities.
  • Evidence a commitment to pursuing a career in the field of management consulting.
  • Be able to provide a letter of recommendation from either an academic or professional source.

    The scholarship amounts to a total of $2500 each, one for the US and one for Europe.

    Deadline for applications June 30, every year.

    For more information see; The Richard Metzler and Roland Berger AMCF Scholarships

List of International Scholarships 


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