Mbarara University Department of Nursing Postgraduate Courses Offered

Mbarara University Department of Nursing Postgraduate Courses Offered

List of Postgraduate Courses Offered at Mbarara University Nursing School


The Master of Nursing Science, MNSc program was established in October 2000. The focus of this program is to produce nurses who are adequately prepared for advanced nursing practice. This program prepares nurses for leadership roles in healthcare and institutions of nursing education. The theoretical, experiential, and research basis for practice will help the post graduate demonstrate specialized clinical skills as well as expertise in nursing administration and education. Postgraduates in this programme undertake full-time study.

Course Description

The Master of Nursing Science program is designed as an academic and advanced nursing practice degree. As an academic degree, the program of study comprises foundational courses in nursing science and research methodologies, a master’s thesis, and courses from related disciplines such as biostatistics, education, philosophy, and administration. The practice of Advanced Nursing is facilitated by didactic and practicum experiences in Advanced Health Assessment within the two-year course of study. Academic studies will occupy the first year of study while the research experience will occur on the second year. Further, the Master of Nursing Science program is designed as preparation for doctoral education in Nursing (PhD, DNSc), the discipline’s terminal degree.

Objectives of the programme

Upon completion of the two-year program of academic studies and experiential learning, the candidate is expected to exhibit:

  • Competencies as nurse researcher, with expertise in research methodologies illustrated in the design and implementation of research in Nursing.
  • Competency as practitioner in a particular field of Advanced Nursing Practice.

    An academic degree is a research degree in which the focus of study is directed toward excellence in the scholarship of discovery, integration, application, and teaching (Boyer, 1993). The structure of the program is organised around the design, development and implementation of foundational concepts directed toward the growth and maturation of Nursing as a distinct discipline of knowledge and a practice profession.

    The organisation of the Master of Nursing Science degree is such that academic studies occupy the first year, and the second year the research implementation and practicum. This program is designed to create an environment of nursing scholarship for practice.Nursing is a practice discipline. As such, its program of study is designed to allow for varied opportunities to practice in multiple health care arenas. Contingent with the student’s interest, Nursing Service and Nursing Education Administration may also be a practice arena.

    Advanced Nursing Practice

    Advanced Nursing Practice is one of the integral ways in which Nursing practice can be advanced as an essential constituent to the attainment and maintenance of human health. Further, it is the practice that illustrates nursing as a contributing member of the health care team. Autonomous practice, such as in health promotion and illness prevention in various settings dictates the furtherance of understanding advanced nursing practice. Fields of practice may include specialisation, e.g. Adult Health in select settings such as Intensive Care Units or in other Clinical and community practice settings, and in Nursing Service and Nursing Education Administration.

    The development of Nursing as a practice discipline, particularly in Uganda, and its value in the process of health care through health promotive methodologies can only be achieved if the vision of nursing education and practice is elevated to a level that distinctly recognises critical thinking in its expression of knowledge and practice, and in the exercise of collegiality with members of the health team. Advancing Nursing through an academic degree program such as a Master of Nursing Science is the ultimate step in the right direction.

    Job description

    The overall aim of the Master of Nursing Science program is to advance the practice of nursing through the education of graduates of a Bachelor of Nursing Science degree who have both the competence and a clear concept of the professional responsibility of the discipline. Specifically, the Advanced Practice Nurse participates in the health care process of attaining and maintaining health among Ugandans and the global community by:

  • Conducting Nursing Research that is influential to the development of knowledge and practice of nursing.
  • Perform competent practice of Nursing in various health care settings as collaborative practice with other health care team professionals such as physicians, surgeons, pharmacists, including the community health workers.
  • Administer a Nursing Education Department/Faculty within various organisations and institutions, including a university setting.
    General Admission Requirements
    1. Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNSc) degree from a recognised institution.
    2. Recommendation from former Professors and lecturers indicating the candidate’s capacity and potential to pursue advanced studies in Nursing.
    3. Submission of acceptable requirements following established procedures of the Faculty of Medicine and the University.

    Specific Admission Requirements

    A Candidate seeking admission into the Master of Nursing Science program must:

    1. Possess the Bachelor of Nursing Science or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from a recognised institution of Higher Education.
    2. Have at least 12 months of practice experience in Nursing.
    3. Submit two (2) letters of reference from prior professors/ Lecturers or recent employers.
    4. Have an over-all rating for the BSN or BNSc of at least “Credit.”



    Term I Courses

  • Philosophy of Science in Nursing I
  • Theory and Knowledge Development in Nursing
  • Research Methods I (Quantitative)
    Term II Courses
  • Philosophy of Science in Nursing II
  • Theories of Nursing I
  • Research Methods II (Qualitative)
  • Educational Administration
  • Philosophy of Education
    Term III Courses
  • Theories of Nursing II
  • Advanced Nursing Research (Thesis Proposal writing)
  • Philosophy of Education
  • Theory Construction in Nursing I (optional)
  • Educational Administration
    Term IV Courses

    Final Examinations for course conducted in first year.


    Term I Courses

  • General Teaching Techniques and Strategies (ED 320)
  • Master’s thesis (Data collection stage)
  • Health Assessment (Didactic and Practicum)
  • Advanced Biostatistics
  • Roles in Advanced Nursing Practice
    Term II Courses
  • Masters thesis (Analysis and First Draft)
  • Health Assessment (Didactic and Practicum)
  • Advanced Biostatistics
  • Roles in Advanced Nursing Practice
    Term III Courses
  • Masters Thesis (Submission of Final draft for defence)
  • Health Assessment (Didactic and Practicum)
    Term IV Courses
  • Final Masters thesis defence
  • Health Assessment final Examinations

    A. Philosophical Bases Of Nursing (Philosophies of Science in Nursing)

    The course of study focuses on the development of philosophies of science in nursing as grounding contemporary nursing knowledge development and practice. The course work involves the analysis of varying philosophies of science, including but not limited to, Positivism, Realism, Existentialism, Historicism, Modernism and Postmodernism as these influence nursing knowledge development and practice.

    B. Theory and Knowledge Development in Nursing

    The focus of this course is the historical development of nursing knowledge, theory, and research. Varying epistemology, ontology, etymology, and anthropology of nursing and related concepts are discussed. Ways of knowing in nursing is analysed to clarify and extend processes toward the continuing evolution of nursing as a discipline and a profession.

    C. Theories of Nursing

    This course allows the student to study extant theories of nursing and their theorists from the perspective of paradigm variations, e.g. Totality Paradigm, Simultaneity Paradigm, Caring, and others. Representative theories of nursing in each of the identified paradigms will be selected.

    D. Theory Construction in Nursing (Optional Course)

    With the varying levels of theories (mid-range, meta-theories, practice theories, grand theories, etc), this course allows the student to create, innovate, and integrate knowledge of Philosophies of Science in Nursing and other related fields towards the design development, and implementation of theories of nursing. Evidence of excellent scholarship will be reflected in the practical value of the theory.

    E. Advanced Nursing Research: Thesis Proposal

    In this course the student is guided to develop a proposal for his/her Master’s thesis. The student in consultation with the supervisor chooses a topic that will advance nursing scholarship. The student will be required to carry out this study only after the supervising professor or lecturer has dully approved it.

    F. Advanced Research Methods. Quantitative and Qualitative

    These courses focus on the study of extant quantitative and qualitative research designs and methodologies that nurse researchers can use in the conduct of their investigations. For example Experimental, Quasi Experimental, Descriptive Research Methods, Surveys, Ethnographic, and Phenomenological Approaches to Nursing Inquiry.

    G. Advanced Health Assessment.

    This course focuses on the study and practice of Physical Assessment of human beings from infancy to older adulthood. Although the emphasis is directed toward the skills of Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, and Auscultation, as a preparation toward advanced nursing, the scope of practice is enhanced to include early diagnosis and referral of common health problems.

    H. Roles for Advanced Practice Nursing

    This course focuses on the roles of advanced practice nursing. It allows the student to study the development of Advanced Practice Nursing, Professional Socialization of the Advanced Practice Nurse, and the various specialized practice arenas in Advanced Practice Nursing.


    The format of progression shall apply throughout the two years of study. Progressive assessments for the first year study and the second year study shall be in accordance with Faculty of medicine and university regulations.

    University Examinations for Postgraduate Student

    There shall be two university examinations, one for each of the two-year postgraduate program. The first university examination shall occur on term IV of the first year of studies. The second university examinations shall occur on the last term of the second year of studies. The defence of the masters thesis is a separate requirement for graduation and will be scheduled separately.


    A candidate will be considered due for graduation if he/she has:

    • An approved Masters thesis duly prepared for dissemination on the recommended paper
    • Completed all the required subjects in the program of study
    • Successfully sat and passed all the examinations required under this program of study.



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