Mbeya University of Science and Technology MUST Contact Details

Mbeya University of Science and Technology MUST Contact Details

General Contacts P.o. Box 131, Mbeya
E-Mail: mist@mist.ac.tz
Fax: +255 (0)25 2502302, (0)736608528
General line: 255 025 2503016
Vice Chancellor P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel. 255 025 2502861
Fax: 255 (0)25 2502302, (0)736608527
E-mail: vc@mist.ac.tz
Deputy Vice Chancellor

Academic, Research and Consultancy

P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel:      255 (0)25 2503451
Fax: 255 (0) 25 2502302
E-Mail: dvcarc@mist.ac.tz / dvcarcmust@gmail.com
Deputy Vice Chancelor Planning, Finance and Administration P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 2503017
Fax: 255 (0) 25 2503017
E-Mail: dvcpfa@mist.ac.tz / dvcpfamust@gmail.com
Secretary to the Council P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 2503016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 2502302
E-mail: councilsec@mist.ac.tz
Directorate of Students Services P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 2503016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 2502302
E-mail: dss@mist.ac.tz
College of Engineering and Technology P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 250 3016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 250 2302
E-mail: cet@mist.ac.tz
Institute of Science and Technology P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 250 3016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 250 2302
E-mail: ist@mist.ac.tz
School of Business Studies P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 250 3016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 250 2302
E-mail: sbs@mist.ac.tz
Industrial Liaison Office P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 250 3016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 250 2302
E-mail: ilo@mist.ac.tz
MUST Dispensary P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 250 3016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 250 2302
E-mail: hc@mist.ac.tz
Students’ Organization (MUSTSO) P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 250 3016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 250 2302
E-mail: mustso@mist.ac.tz
MUST Consultancy Bureau (MCB) P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 250 3016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 250 2302
E-mail: mcb@mist.ac.tz
Continuing Education Department P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 250 3016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 250 2302
E-mail: ced@mist.ac.tz
Dean of Students Office (DOSO) P.O. Box 131, Mbeya
Tel: 255 (0) 25 250 3016/7
Fax: 255 (0) 25 250 2302
E-mail: dean@mist.ac.tz
Computer Engineering Department E-Mail: dcomputer@mist.ac.tz
Tel:+255 (0)25 2503016
Electrical Engineering Department E-Mail: delectronic@mist.ac.tz
Tel: +255 (0)25 2503016
Mechanical Engineering Department E-Mail: dmech@mist.ac.tz / lemeiruti@yahoo.com
Tel: +255 (0)25 2503016
Science and Business Management Department E-Mail: dsbm@mist.ac.tz
Tel: +255 (0)25 2503016
Research and Publication E-Mail: rcp@mist.ac.tz / zacharia.katambara@mist.ac.tz / zkatambara@gmail.com
Tel: +255 (0)25 2503016
Admission Officer E-Mail: admission@mist.ac.tz / somomgaya@hotmail.com
Tel: +255 (0)25 2503016
Principal Librarian E-Mail: library@mist.ac.tz / nluanda@yahoo.com
Tel: +255 (0)25 2503016
System Administrator E-Mail: systemadmin@mist.ac.tz
Tel: +255 (0)25 2503016
Supplies Officer E-Mail: supplies@mist.ac.tz / jdisth@yahoo.com
Tel: +255 (0)25 2503016

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