Medium and Small Grants in Egypt for Cultural Activities

Medium and Small Grants in Egypt for Cultural Activities.

Medium and Small Grants in Egypt for Cultural Activities

Within the framework of supporting the Egyptian independent cultural activities, the European Union in cooperation with the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) has announced an Open Call for Applications, in the Framework of the Euro-Egyptian Cultural Program in Egypt (EECP).

Funding Information

For the small grants a total amount of 2,000 -3,000€ is allocated to the development an artistic activity or program.

The small grants will support individual artists and small organizations with creative, effective or efficient ideas. Up to 10 small grants projects will be selected.

For the medium grants a total amount of 10,000–20,000€ is allocated to the development of artistic projects or programs, focusing on including young people (students, children or youth) with creative ideas. Up to 4 grants projects will be selected.

Eligibility Criteria


  • The financial support scheme is open to Egyptian independent cultural actors, both individuals and institutions/organizations that have worked within their communities or local art scenes and/or organize projects in the following fields of arts: film, music, theater, literature, dance, visual arts, design and crafts
  • Applicants for the small grants do not need to have any previous experiences with donors and/or external funding but all grantees will be expected to work in close collaboration with their project team on all administrative issues and the project documentation.Additionally the project team will provide grantees with Capacity-building workshops to improve applicants technical and financial management capacities
  • All Applicants for the medium grants shall have adequate and proven skills in project and especially financial management.Apply by 15th December.


    For more information and application details, see; Medium and Small Grants in Egypt for Cultural Activities

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