MMU Business School Bachelor of Public Administration Course

MMU Business School Bachelor of Public Administration Course


In the changing world public administration is a fundamental aspect in meeting the multidimensional challenges of society. The current era in the less developed countries surfaces with social, political and economic dilemmas which pose further greater challenges to the field of public management and administration. This program therefore aims at providing extensive knowledge of the problems of society and a thorough understanding of public administration as a problem solving approach to the public sector. The unique features of this program are that it blends theory and practice through lectures, tutorials, case studies, comparative analyses, group work, independent personal study, research work as well as a public administration practicum in the recess semesters of year one and year two.

Course Objectives

The major objective of this program is give undergraduate students specialized and professional knowledge and skills in the field of public administration. By the end of the program students will be equipped with techniques and capacity to administer public enterprises and to apply the knowledge acquired in dealing with day to day administrative aspects of their societies.
Graduates of this program will be able to:

    Increase capacity in; public policy formation, administration, and social service delivery.
    Promote democratic values and practices in the Ugandan society through studies related to decentralized decision making processes.
    Train specialists in designing and redesigning institutions and organizations to manage policy.
    Improve and develop administrative skills through case studies, practical exercises, and problem oriented research projects.
    Increase awareness and sensitivity to the national problems and development goals.
    Develop public relations skills, ethics, and communicate effectively in all public fora.
    Develop skills in administering/ managing public resources
    Understand the basic computer applications and appreciate their role in public administration.

Course Duration

This is an evening and weekend course. The entire study period of the degree program shall extend over a period of three academic years. Each academic year consists of two semesters of seventeen weeks each the last two weeks of each semester being devoted to examinations.

Course Structure

 Course Code
Course Name
BPAD 111 Public Administration 3
BPAD 112 Political Economy 3
BBMT 111 Principles of Accounting I 3
BBMT 112

Principles of Management

CCCS 101 Communication Skills 1 3
CCET 101 Introduction to Ethics 3
ICTN 100

Introduction to Computer Technology

Semester Credits 21
BPAD 121 Comparative Public Administration 3
BPAD 122 Human Rights and Administration 3
BPAD 123 Communication and Public Administration 3
BPAD 124 Ethics and Public Administration 3
BPAD 125 Development Theory 3
BBMT 126 Poverty and Development Strategies 3
ICTN 102 Information Systems Management I  
Recess Semester: Business Placement  
Semester Credits 21
First Year Credit Units 42
Semester 1 (All Courses are core)  
BPAD 211 Population Studies 3
BPAD 212 Decentralization, Governance and Development 3
BPAD 213 Research Methods 1 3
BPAD 214 Public Infrastructure Planning and Management 3
BPAD 215 Policy Making and Analysis 3
BBMT 212 Organizational Behavior 3
BSCD 211 Principles and Practices of Adult Education 3
Semester Credits 21
BPAD 221 Conflict Resolution and Management 3
BPAD 222 Environment Management and Public Policy 3
BPAD 223 Gender and Development 3
BPAD 224 Administrative Law 3
BBMT 225 Public Relations 3
BBMT 226 Research Methods 2 3
ICTN 201

Information Systems Management II

Recess Semester: Business Placement Accumulated  
Semester Credits 26
Second Year Credit Units 47
BPAD 311 Administration of Non-Government Organization 3
BPAD 312

Urban Planning and Management

BPAD 313 Public Finance 3
BBMT 312 Project Planning and Management 3
BBMT 311 Human Resource Management 3
BSCD 312 Community and Rural Development 3

Semester Credit

BPAD 321 Research Project 5
BPAD 322 Monitoring and Evaluation 3
BBMT 321 Taxation and Tax Policy 3
BBMT 322 Procurement and Logistics Management 3
BSCD 323 Counseling Micro Skills 3
Semester Credit 17
Third Year Course Credits 35
Total Credit Units 124


Admission Requirements

Applicants must fulfill the following requirements to join the program:

   – Sat U.C.E examination (or equivalent) and obtained a certificate in it.

   – Have at least two principal passes in Arts subjects at Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (U.A.C.E) or its equivalent obtained at the same sitting.

   – Hold a 1st or 2nd class Diploma or its equivalent in a related field from a recognized institution.

    -Mature entry scheme where a candidate is required to sit and pass mature entry examinations.

Career Prospects for Graduates

The Public Administration course prepares graduates for diverse employment environments including both the government, private and non government, non for profit organizations. Graduates can be absorbed in Local Governments and local NGOs operating in the country.

Also there are international NGOs looking for competences in Public Administration like World Vision, Oxfam, SNV, Red Cross, Care International, etc as well as a variety of United Nations funded programs.