MMU Business School Diploma in Business Management Course

MMU Business School Diploma in Business Management Course


This Diploma in Business Management (DBMT) is designed to develop graduates with a solid foundation in broad-based areas of Business Management. Communication Skills and ICT skills are stressed, as well as the general course of Ethics.

The 2-Year Diploma in Business Management(DBM) deepens the areas, in particular production of financial reports, and adds introdcution to quantitative methods.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this program is to produce students with extensive skills necessary to meet contemporary business management demands in a variety of organizational settings.

Course Duration

The entire study period of study of the diploma program extends over a period of two years. Each academic year consists of two semesters of seventeen weeks each the last two weeks of each semester being devoted to examinations.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must fulfill the following requirements to join the program:

Direct entry scheme

    Sat U.C.E examination (or equivalent) and obtained a certificate in it.
    Have at least one principal pass, one of which should be either Mathematics or Economics at Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (U.A.C.E ) or its equivalent obtained at the same sitting.

Certificate holder’s scheme

    One Principal pass in Uganda Advanced Certificate of education (U.A.C.E) and a certificate in business studies stage one offered by UNEB.
    A Ugandan certificate of education (U.C.E) and a certificate in Business studies stage two offered by UNEB.
    A certificate in business studies of the Uganda college of commerce and former NCBS or its equivalent.

Career Prospects for Graduates

The Business Management program offers a window of opportunity to the a wider world of careers in Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations, Sales Management, Property, Real Estate, Community Association Managers, Administrative Services Managers, Finance experts, Banking experts, the list is endless.

This on top of training helps one to become an entrepreneur for self employment.