Mount Meru University Joining Instructions

Mount Meru University Joining Instructions

MMU Application Procedure

All applicants under direct entry should apply through the central admission system (CAS) in the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and applicants with equivalent qualifications should apply through the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) respectively. Additionally, all applicants with foreign certificates/ Non- Tanzanians should apply directly to MMU.

Applications forms may be obtained from any of the following places:

The Office of the Academic Registrar, MMU Main Campus

• Office of the Center Director, MMU Arusha Town Center

– TTCL Building 4th floor.

Office of the Center Director, MMU Mwanza Center – Uhuru Street, opposite Wande hotel

University Website:

At MMU we equip and empower you to make the right choices in achieving your goals. Our graduates are pacesetters. Be the next one!

Or contact the following for further information: Mount Meru University | P.O BOX 11811, Arusha, Tanzania.

Tel: Mob: 0767 785 077(no SMS), +255 27 250 2412/8818 | Fax: +255 27 250 8821, | E-mail: Mwanza Centre P. O. Box, Private Bag-Mwanza, | Tel. 0789-668 324

Mount Meru University Intakes

Mount Meru University Application Forms

Mount Meru University Diploma Admissions

Mount Meru University Postgraduate Admissions

Mount Meru University Prospectus

Mount Meru University Fees Structure

Mount Meru University Campuses

Mount Meru University Accommodation

Mount Meru University Admission Requirements

Mount Meru University Courses Offered

Mount Meru University Contact Details