Mountains of the Moon University Undergraduate Courses
Undergraduate Courses Offered by Mountains of the Moon University
Admission For Mountains of the Moon University MMU . Visit Our Admissions Portal For Details
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture with Mgt & Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Bachelor of Agribusiness
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication
Bachelor of Science in Public Health
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Public Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Bachelor of Banking &Development Finance
Bachelor of Guidance & Counseling.
Bachelor of Science in Midwifery.
Bachelor of Environmental Science.
Bachelor of Special Needs Education.
Bachelor of Community Dev’t
Bachelor of Arts with Education
Bachelor of Science with Education
Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Computer Science
Mountains of the Moon University Postgraduate Courses
Certificate and Diploma Courses at Mountains of the Moon University