MSc Gerontology Scholarships – University of Southampton, UK.

MSc Gerontology Scholarships – University of Southampton, UK.

MSc Gerontology Scholarships – University of Southampton, UK; The postgraduate training in gerontology by distance learning will allow you to acquire specialist knowledge in gerontology and key research skills through study from a distance.

You will be supported in accessing online learning material and resources related to a wide range of issues, including demographic and economic issues concerning ageing, theoretical and critical perspectives in gerontology, and national and international policy and practice in adult and elder care services.

Compulsory modules: Ageing, health and wellbeing; Demographic change, ageing and globalisation; Perspectives in gerontology; Qualitative research methods; Quantitative research methods

Optional modules: Ageing, diversity and human rights; Researching contemporary issues in ageing societies

Plus: Dissertation (15,000 words: MSc only)

Entry requirements: Candidates should have a minimum of an upper second class (2:1) Bachelors Honours or equivalent degree in the Social Sciences or a field relevant to Gerontology and Ageing.

Duration: 1 year (full-time); 2 years (part-time)

Assessment: Coursework, dissertation (MSc only)

Start date: September

MSc Gerontology Scholarships

The Centre for Research on Ageing, University of Southampton, in collaboration with the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission, is offering ten scholarships for students to study on the MSc Gerontology (Distance Learning) programme.

UK MSc Scholarships Application for International Students

For more information and scholarship application, visit: MSc Gerontology Scholarships

List of International Scholarships