MSc Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics

MSc Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics

MSc Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics are available for third country nationals participating in the Masters Course.

The European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics course (EM-ABG) is open to well motivated students who have completed BSc or equivalent degree in Animal Science or related fields and good knowledge in English.

The EM-ABG course is a response to the need of highly qualified graduates in the knowledge intensive area of farm animal breeding and genetics which is operating internationally.

The integrated European Master of Science course offers high quality international training, both in terms of scientific knowledge as well as didactic skills.

EM-ABG aims at building capacities in the fields of animal breeding and genomics to meet the following challenges in developed and developing countries:


  • increase of livestock and fish production, while preserving the quality of the products and the welfare of animals;
  • preservation of natural resources, especially biodiversity, which become scarcer and scarcer;
  • development of sustainable animal breeding programmesthat contribute to improved livelihood of farmers and efficient food chains;
  • development of sustainable breeding programmes that contribute to the improved health and welfare of companion animals (including populations in zoos and nature reserves).As student in EM-ABG, you will be trained to formulate and provide effective and appropriate responses to these challenges.

    University groups on Animal Breeding and Genetics within Europe have a long tradition of collaboration.

    The universities participating in EM-ABG are Wageningen University (the Netherlands), University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (Austria), Christian-Albrechts-Universität (Germany), Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon (France), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden) and The Norwegian University of Life Sciences(Norway).

    The partner universities together form a consortium with a high level of expertise in every core subject in Animal Breeding and Genetics.

    Application deadline; February 1.For more information, please send an e-mail to emabg [at]

    For more information and application, see: MSc Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics

List of International Scholarships