MSc Scholarships in Water Resources Management
ICE WaRM MSc Scholarships in Water Resources Management: ICE WaRM offers a scholarship programme to attract high quality international students to education and training in water resources management, delivered by ICE WaRM partner institutions.
The ICE WaRM scholarship programme aims to:
- Provide high calibre students with the opportunity to study with ICE WaRM partners to further their knowledge;
- Provide students with the opportunity to participate in research and advance their scientific knowledge in water resources management;
- Encourage the exchange of ideas on best practice within water-related fields;
- Provide students with the opportunity to participate in presentations, conferences, seminars and forums on contemporary issues in water resources management;
- Provide the opportunity for students from organisations and countries currently facing major water issues to participate in programmes which they may not be able to fund;
- Demonstrate a commitment to cultural change and diversity and the international sharing of knowledge and skills related to water resources management.
Scholarship Amount
ICE WaRM offers full and partial scholarships toward the cost of the programme (fee tuition). For international students the fully funded scholarship is AUD$30,000 and partially funded scholarship is AUD$15,000.
Application deadline: February and August every year. For more information and scholarship application see; MSc Scholarships in Water Resources Management
List of International Scholarships
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