MUHAS Accommodation

MUHAS Accommodation

Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences Accommodation



Issued by:

The Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor for Planning, Finance and Administration


ISBN 978-9987-9813-3-5



The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) has grown in every aspect since it embarked on the Institutional Transformation Programme in 1994. Students’ residential services have also been changing in line with the University Institutional Transformation Programme and strategic plans.

The Students Accommodation Guidelines addresses an important component of the Students’ services and welfare. It particularly operationalized the students’ services on accommodation. Thus, the proposed guidelines are based on the premises that:

1.1The University is not primarily responsible to provide accommodation services to students.

1.2Those who will invest in provision of accommodation services shall be responsible for their management. However, where necessary, the University shall assist in their management.

1.3Student By-Laws which governs students’ conduct shall be used in the management of Private and University accommodation facilities.

1.4The Students Services Bureau (SSB) is responsible for the provision and supervision of accommodation services to students.

1.5The University shall encourage owners and/or operators of student housing facilities to maintain cleanliness, privacy and charge reasonable prices for those facilities.

1.6Through the SSB the University shall encourage and help to negotiate reasonable prices for those facilities.


The University shall set guidelines for providing accommodation services. As a general rule, all MUHAS bonafide East African and foreign students pursuing degree and non degree programmes on full time basis shall be eligible for getting accommodation services in the halls of residence, if there are vacancies.

2.1Criteria for Allocation of Rooms

Accommodation facilities for students enrolled at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences are limited. The University neither guarantees accommodation to any student nor is it obliged to provide the same to students. Priority for students’ accommodation will consider main three groups of students:

(i)Students with disability

(ii)Students with special medical care needs

(iii)Other undergraduate and postgraduate students

2.1.1Students with disability

The University recognizes that students who are disabled or suffer from mental health disability or severe medical impairment can not effectively carry out their University studies unless they are provided with University accommodation. The SSB will therefore consider accommodation to students on medical grounds and disabilities before considering other groups of students. However, consideration for such applications will be made only after they have been approved by the recognized medical practitioner via the office of the Dean of Students.

2 students (both Undergraduate and Postgraduates) need to complete the Disability Assessment Form (DAF) that is distributed by MUHAS Admission Office. To be eligible, students must meet one of the eligibility criteria listed below with supporting medical certificates stating specifically how they meet the relevant criteria.

a)The student has a permanent and substantial disability which means he/she is unable to walk or has very considerable difficulty in walking.

b)The student’s disability requires specialist adaptations or facilities not available in off- campus accommodation.

c)The student has a medical condition treated by chemotherapy or dialysis. with disabilities or approved medical problems are urged to contact the SSB for consideration at a very early stage, normally at the end of the academic year or immediately after they receive their room application forms. Making applications at the earliest possible time will provide opportunity to SSB to best meet their requirements. students with disabilities who require special accommodation facilities shall in detail, state their needs in writing at the time of application and attach copies of supporting medical certificates. It is recommended that students with very special needs should consult the office of the Dean of Students for further advice.

2.1.2Accommodation on Medical Grounds Continuing students who develop serious medical condition, which may qualify them for accommodation, will be given individual consideration. Such special requests must be made in writing, and supported by medical evidence from an approved health authority including University Health Authorities.

2.1.3Accommodation of other Undergraduate Students

Accommodation priorities for other undergraduate and postgraduate students shall be guided by the criteria listed in the following order:

1)Students in clinical years whose academic activities goes beyond the mid-night

2)First year undergraduate students

3)Continuing female student from upcountry

4)Continuing male students from upcountry

5)MUHASSO leaders

6)Any other student

Given the order above, SSB shall establish the names of upcountry students and those living within and around Dar es Salaam. The data shall be compiled and made available in the SSB database for use during room allocation exercise.

2.2Foreign Undergraduate Students

Those classified as foreign students by the University will be offered University accommodation for the duration of their course provided that they remain fully registered as University students. Bonafide foreign students will be invited to submit their application forms through the SSB office for consideration.


2.5Postgraduate Students

2.5.1Accommodation facilities for Postgraduate students are currently very limited. The University does not guarantee accommodation and it is not obliged to provide the same to Postgraduate students.

2.5.2Despite the limited accommodation facilities, the priority will be given to the first year foreign Postgraduate students as it is the case with first year Undergraduate students.

2.5.3Other postgraduate students are also eligible to apply for University accommodation every academic year for the duration of their course provided that they are fully registered and will be accommodated on a first come-first served basis.


3.4.1Students who do not manage to get on-campus accommodation are advised to look for off- campus accommodation.

3.4.2The SSB can assist in making available a list of off-campus accommodation facilities for students who find it difficult to locate the same. However, the lease agreement shall remain between the student and the owner of accommodation facility.


The University has no accommodation for couples and families. Students are not allowed to live with spouses or children in the hostel/halls of residence. Married students wishing to stay with their families must make their own private off campus accommodation arrangements.


5.1Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students may be allocated University accommodation at the beginning of each academic year. Upon accepting University accommodation, students will be required to sign a Students Tenancy Agreement/contract, which lasts for one academic year. None shall be allowed to stay in his/her allocated room beyond the stated number of days. Thereafter, those who meet the accommodation criteria shall re-apply.

5.2Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate Students may be allocated university accommodation for the period of registration if there are vacant rooms available. It should be noted that consideration for accommodation will only be given to students who have duly completed application procedures.


6.1Tanzanian students and others from East African countries (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi) shall pay rent as determined from time to time.

6.2Students from out of East Africa shall pay rent as determined from time to time.

6.3The SSB Committee shall propose accommodation fee each academic year, which shall be approved by the Council.

6.4A student who withdraws from accommodation after he/she has paid, shall not be eligible for a refund without justifiable reasons approved by the Dean of Students.



7.1Major maintenance, which is normally carried out during long vacation of each academic year shall be done within the specified time of the long vacation.

7.2The SSB shall always liaise with the Directorate of Estates to ensure maintenance works in the hostels/halls of residence are done properly and timely.

7.3The SSB in collaboration with the Directorate of Estates shall make sure all rooms are habitable at the beginning of each academic year.

7.4The SSB and Directorate of Estates shall prepare long and short term maintenance plans.


8.1Communal properties such as washing places, toilet and other public properties should be cared for by all students. If any public property is damaged and no one is held responsible, then its repair/replacement or compensation cost shall be met by all students in that particular area.

This shall be affected by deducting a certain proportion of the caution money of students’ concerned to be used for that purpose. It is hoped that this will inculcate the spirit of responsibility and care for public property. The status of the communal properties shall be established at the beginning of each academic year.

8.2Individual resident student shall compensate to the University the cost of repair of the building or part of the University building that has been damaged by him/her or while under his/her care.


9.1The University will liaise with the relevant government organs to ensure uninterrupted flow of water supply to the halls of residence.


10.1The SSB will periodically carry out random check ups to determine extent of violation of accommodation rules. When this happens, MUHASSO leaders shall be notified of the inspection exercise and requested to cooperate. In some cases, the inspection may be carried out without notice and therefore MUHASSO leaders shall be informed.


11.1Students Tenancy Agreement and Students By-Laws shall clearly stipulate that illegal exchange of rooms shall result into eviction from the room within four days from the date he/she is caught.

11.2Students Tenancy Agreement should state clearly when a student is to stay away from his/her room for a couple of days, to report and/or handle important possessions to the Warden of the respective halls of residence.


12.1Every student is obliged to report any violation of accommodation agreement including subletting, illegal exchange of rooms, cooking in the rooms, possessions of firearms or any unauthorized appliances such as cookers and fridges to the Wardens. Failure to do this shall result into eviction and associated fines in accordance with Students By-Laws and Students Tenancy Agreement.

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