Muni University Bachelor of Information Systems

Muni University Bachelor of Information Systems

This is a programme designed to produce competent graduates capable of integrating Information and Telecommunications solutions with business processes and other enterprises.


Year Course Code Course Name CU LH TH PH CH
1 Semester-I   (All core courses)
ISM 1101 Foundations of Information Systems 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 1102 Computer Literacy 4 30 00 90 60
ISM 1103 Communication Skills 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 1104 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 1105 Organizational Behaviour 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 1106 Discrete Mathematics I 3 30 30 00 45
Sub-Total 21
Semester-II   (All core courses)
ISM 1201 Data and Information Management 4 30 00 90 60
ISM 1202 Enterprise Architecture 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 1203 Fundamentals of Programming 4 30 00 90 60
ISM 1204 Introduction to Leadership 3 30 00 45 45
ISM1205 Introduction to Decision Theory 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 1206 Discrete Mathematics II 3 30 30 00 45
Sub-Total 21
RECESS (All core courses)
ISM 1301 Practical Skills Development 4 00 00 180 60
ISM 1302 Cisco Certified Entry Network Technician (CCENT) 5 45 00 90 75
Sub-Total 9
2 Semester-I
ISM 2101 Information Systems Project Management 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 2102 Information Technology Infrastructure 4 30 00 90 60
ISM 2103 Enterprise Systems 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 2104 Business Process Management 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 2105 Internet Computing 3 30 00 45 45
Sub-Total 18
ISM 2201 Systems Analysis and Design 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 2202 IS Strategy, Management and Acquisition 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 2203 Human-Computer Interaction 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 2204 IS Innovation and New Technologies 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 2205 Entrepreneurship 3 30 00 45 45
Sub-Total 18
RECESS ISM 2301 Industrial Training/Internship (Core Course) 4 00 00 300 60
Sub-Total 4
3 Semester-I
Core Courses
ISM 3101 Information Technology Audit and Control 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 3102 Professional Issues in Information Systems 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 3103 Capstone Information Systems Project 3 30 30 90 60
Elective Courses (ChooseTwo)
ISM 3104 Knowledge Management 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 3105 IS Research Methodology 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 3106 Software Engineering 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 3107 Quality Management 3 30 00 45 45
Sub-Total 18
Core Courses
ISM 3201 IT Security and Risk Management 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 3202 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution 4 45 00 45 60
ISM 3203 Data Ware housing and Business Intelligence 4 30 00 90 60
Elective Courses (ChooseTwo)
ISM 3204 Electronic Commerce 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 3205 MobileWeb Applications Development 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 3206 Integrative Programming 3 30 00 45 45
ISM 3207 Systems Thinking 3 30 00 45 45



Muni University Bachelor of Science in Information Technology