Muni University Bachelor of Science with Education

Muni University Bachelor of Science with Education

The Bachelor of Science with Education course provides unique and contemporary methods to the teaching of science in Secondary schools and Tertiary Institutions in Uganda. The course trains the student teachers in-depth scientific knowledge blended with the methods of teaching science and mathematics. The methods are intended to impart the principles of rationality, critical thinking and scepticism in the learners in order to achieve the goals of science.

Program Objective
To produce competent, highly-motivated and responsible science teachers who are able and ready to engage in the production of scientists, science educators, technicians and other skilled human resource to meet the local demands with international reputation.

Admission Criteria
1) Direct entry

  1. Physical Science: two best done subjects of Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry.The subject combinations offered are Mathematics/Physics and Mathematics/Chemistry.
  2. Biological Science: subject combination offered is Chemistry/Biology

2) Diploma entry –  Second class or credit diploma in science based subjects with a bias in Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry.
3) Mature age entry –  Upon passing mature age University examination in aptitude and specialised knowledge in Science and Mathematics.

Three (3) years (Day)

Domestic students UGX 735,000 per semester, international students US $735 per semester. All fees structure are subject to reviews by the University Council

Future Subjects
The following subject will be added on the programme package

  1. Computer Studies
  2. Agriculture
  3. Laboratory Technology
  4. Economics

Also in prospect is In-service programme for teachers with diplomas in the relevant subjects.

Funding Options:

  • Self/Private Sponsorship
  • National/Government Sponsorship
  • Student Loan Scheme
  • ADB HEST Merit Scholarship (Limited)