Muteesa 1 Royal University Faculty of Science , Arts and IT

Muteesa 1 Royal University Faculty of Science , Arts and IT

The faculty of Science and technology is headed by the Dean and its comprised of seven departments under which respective programmes in Engineering, Computing, Information Technology,  and Art are offered. The faculty mission mission is conducting world-class, groundbreaking research and providing excellent education in Science and Technology to all Muteesa I Royal University students as well as teachers, and adult learners across Uganda and throughout the world.

The faculty has an outstanding legacy of graduating leaders; in academia, industry, Telecommunications Companies, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and in local communities. Students in the Faculty interact directly with our tenure-track Departments as well as a healthy mix of Certificate, Diploma and degree programmes.   The faculty’s staff are committed to the success of each and every student, and we always work hard to development more effective and engaging pedagogies.

Our faculty staff  qualify to be employed at any university in the nation, but they choose faculty of Science and Technology owing to the wonderful sense of community that we have cultivated and the availability of talented colleagues and state-of-the-art facilities and instrumentation. Our students perform basic research projects but also work on a range of scientific problems of immediate relevance to the Buganda Kingdom, the nation and the world’s economy, health, safety, and welfare. The research projects focus on, an interdisciplinary group of computer applications, information management, building and construction, project management with particular reference to Technology issues needed by communities. We have global linkages with local and international researchers. Our students benefit from the collaborative relationships we have built with many collaborating partners and friends of Muteesa I Royal University both local and in Diaspora, and numerous industrial and academic institutions world-wide.

List of Engineering Universities in Uganda