MWECAU Certificate Courses Offered
List of Certificate Courses Offered at Mwenge Catholic University
Certificate Programmes; (1Year); March 2016 and September
- Certificate in Accounting and Finance
- Certificate in Business Administration
- Certificate in Laws
- Certificate in Library Records and Archives Management
- Certificate in Marketing Management
- Certificate in Human Resource Management
- Certificate in Logistic and Procurement Management
- Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Microfinance
- Certificate in Computer Science
- Certificate in Computer Application and Business Management
- Certificate in Information Technology
- Certificate in Laboratory Technology
- Certificate in Journalism and Media Studies
- Certificate of Business Information Technology
- Certificate in Social Work
- Certificate of Project Planning and Management
- Certificate of Cultural Heritage Management
Entry requirement:
- Applicants must hold at least four ‘O’ level D passes in 4 approved subjects which are relevant to course.
MWECAU Undergraduate Courses Offered
MWECAU Diploma Courses Offered
MWECAU Postgraduate Courses Offered
MWECAU Entry Requirements
MWECAU Fees Structure
MWECAU Postgraduate Admissions