MWECAU Certificate Courses Offered

MWECAU Certificate Courses Offered

List of Certificate Courses Offered at Mwenge Catholic University

Certificate Programmes; (1Year); March 2016 and September

  1. Certificate in Accounting and Finance
    1. Certificate in Business Administration
    2. Certificate in Laws
    3. Certificate in Library Records and Archives Management
    4. Certificate in Marketing Management
    5. Certificate in Human Resource Management
    6. Certificate in Logistic and Procurement Management
    7. Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Microfinance
    8. Certificate in Computer Science
    9. Certificate in Computer Application and Business Management
    10. Certificate in Information Technology
    11. Certificate in Laboratory Technology
    12. Certificate in Journalism and Media Studies
    13. Certificate of Business Information Technology
    14. Certificate in Social Work
    15. Certificate of Project Planning and Management
    16. Certificate of Cultural Heritage Management

Entry requirement:

  • Applicants must hold at least four ‘O’ level D passes in 4 approved subjects which are relevant to course.

MWECAU Undergraduate Courses Offered

MWECAU Diploma Courses Offered

MWECAU Postgraduate Courses Offered

MWECAU Entry Requirements

MWECAU Contact Details

MWECAU Fees Structure

MWECAU Application Forms

MWECAU Prospectus

MWECAU Student Accommodation

MWECAU Registration Procedure

MWECAU Joining Instructions

MWECAU September Intake

MWECAU Postgraduate Admissions

MWECAU Undergraduate Admissions

MWECAU Diploma Admissions

MWECAU Certificate Admissions