MWECAU Joining Instructions

MWECAU Joining Instructions

Mwenge Catholic University Joining Instructions

Application Procedures for degree and Non Degree Programmes
Due to the establishment of the ‘Centralized Admission System’ by TCU (Tanzania Commission for Universities) applications to Mwenge Catholic University will be as follows:
a) Undergraduate Studies
Direct Entrants
Applicants with “A” level qualifications should send their applications to TCU by accessing the TCU website and applying online to TCU will provide directives on application through their website. For more information on how to apply to TCU, consult the Students’ Guide Book for Central Admission System on the TCU website.
Equivalent applicants
Interested candidates should contact the University or visit and apply through the central admission system.
b) Graduate studies
Interested candidates apply directly to the University. Application Forms can be obtained directly from the University or downloaded from the Here
c) Diploma and Certificate Programmes
Interested candidates apply direct to the University or through NACTE (National Council for Technical Education). Application forms can be obtained from the University or downloaded from Here

MWECAU Entry Requirements

MWECAU Courses Offered

MWECAU Contact Details

MWECAU Fees Structure

MWECAU Application Forms

MWECAU Prospectus

MWECAU Student Accommodation

MWECAU Registration Procedure

MWECAU September Intake

MWECAU Postgraduate Admissions

MWECAU Undergraduate Admissions

MWECAU Diploma Admissions

MWECAU Certificate Admissions