MWECAU Registration Procedure
Mwenge Catholic University Registration Details
- Detailed joining instructions will be sent to successful applicants at the time they receive an offer of a place, indicating date at which they should report for the orientation programme. It is imperative that students arrive on the specified date.
- Admission is conditional upon receipt of a satisfactory medical report being received by the College. Students are responsible for any medical examination fee.
- Limited college accommodation is available on campus, which is only open during college semesters. Students should provide their own pillows, sheets and blankets. Mattresses are available. Rooms are available in private housing outside the campus.
- Students must pay a deposit of Tshs 5,000 for a key deposit. Room keys are only issued on payment of this fee which will be refunded when keys are returned at the end of their programme of studies at MWUCE.
- Fees are payable in full at the beginning of each academic year or in two equal instalments at the beginning of each semester. No student shall be allowed to register or attend classes unless the required fees have been paid.
- Fees will not be refunded if a student withdraws or leaves MWUCE without permission. If students are expelled after the first three months of the academic year there will be no refund of fees.
- New students must register within the time laid down in orientation week. Failure to meet this requirement may result in the offer of a place being withdrawn.
- Continuing students must complete registration within the time period laid out in the College Calendar.
- Students will be registered under the names appearing on the certificates they submitted for their applications. Once registered, names may not be changed unless legal procedures are followed, and no change of names will be allowed in the final year of study.
- Students may be allowed to postpone studies after the start of the academic year for exceptional reasons (e.g. serious ill-health or social problems). Permission to postpone studies shall be considered by the College Academic Committee after the student has produced evidence for the reasons for postponement.
- A student discontinued from a course shall not be re-admitted for the same course until two years have lapsed.
- All students shall commit themselves in writing to abide by the College rules and regulations as prescribed. A copy of the rules and regulations shall be made available to students and adequate notice will be given of any suggested changes to the rules and regulations.
- Students will be issued with identity cards which must be carried at all times and must be produced when requested by appropriate college officers and when using college facilities (dining hall, library, computer centre). The identity card is not transferable and any fraudulent use may result in loss of student privileges or suspension. Students will need to supply two passport photographs for the identity card.
- Loss of identity card should be reported to the office of the Dean of Students and a replacement will be issued on payment of a fee (Tshs 2000) and a copy of a passport photograph.
- No student enrolled on a Degree Course at MWUCE may enrol for a course at any other educational institution without special permission in writing from the Academic Committee.
- Usually no exemption will be given for any university course which a student claims to have completed at another educational institution. Students with a Tanzanian Diploma in Education may sit a special preliminary examination to gain exemption from some units.
MWECAU Entry Requirements
MWECAU Courses Offered
MWECAU Fees Structure
MWECAU Postgraduate Admissions