Mzumbe University Short Course On Data Management And Analysis In The Health Sector
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The Department Of Health Systems Management Under The School Of Public Administration And Management Announces The Short Course On “Data Management And Analysis In The Health Sector” Which Will Run From 19th To 23rd June, 2017.
Course overview
The Centre of Excellence in Health M&E at Mzumbe University is excited to offer a new short course in Data Management and Analysis in the Health Sector. Data management and analysis are major components of monitoring and evaluation and are critical skills for M&E and other health professionals. This course will equip participants with the necessary skills to manage data and conduct simple analyses for reporting and decision making.
The course will focus on data management and analysis using Microsoft Excel and District Health Information System (DHIS2) and will incorporate both research and routinely available health-related data. The course is appropriate for beginners who are looking to improve their capacity to use Excel and DHIS2 for better data analysis and decision making.
Target audience
●RHMT and CHMT members and co-opted members
●Health-related LGA personnel
●Facility in-charges, health managers and data clerks
●Hospital management team
●In-country health implementing partners
●Health researchers
●University students in health-related fields
●Others interested in increasing their knowledge and skills in management and analysis of health-related data
●Participants of Mzumbe M&E courses