Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Training Courses

Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Training Courses


 1.                  Basic Training Programme – Full Time (Day)

This is a 2 years programme; it leads to the award of a Uganda Craftsman Certificate Grade 1 (UVQF Level II) and UBTEB Craft Certificate Part I and II.  in addition to technical subjects, entrepreneurship is taught to prepare  them for both paid and self-employment on graduation.

 2.                  Basic Training Programme – Part time (Evening)

This programme is the same as above and is meant for those engaged during the day but would like to acquire technical qualification

 3.                  Advanced Training Programme

This is a one year training programme intended to provide progression for holders of the above qualification and prepares them for a diploma course.

 4.                  Upgrading Training Programme

This is a short term training programme with duration of 1 week to 6 weeks.  It is intended for those already in employment who would like to upgrade their skills and abilities in new technology.

 5.                  Tailor-made Training Programme

This is a short-term programme arranged on demand to address target group, individual needs or the employer’s requirements on new occupational qualifications.

6.                  Instructor and Managers Training for Vocational Education and training

The Instructor programme primarily intended to improve the quality of in service BTVET instructors throughout the country.

It has two components pedagogical and technical skills.        

There are 2 categories with two awards.

i.                     Certificate in vocational Training Instruction (CVTI)    9 Months

ii.                   Diploma in Vocational Training Instruction (DVTI) / Tutorship training  9 months

 The manager’s training program(DTIM) is a 9 months course on holiday basis intended for the

principals and middle managers of  BTVET institutions and aims at improving their

management competencies so that they are able to plan, manage and run institutions in a business like manner.

This programme was designed to meet the requirements in the various policy documents and plans of the ministry of education and sports (BTVET policy, EESP 2004 – 2014,UVQF roadmap) It is currently being supported by the government of Japan through JICA – ITVET project.

Background of Nakawa Vocational Training Institute

Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Courses Offered

Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Admissions

Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Contact Address

Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Institution Structure

Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Mission, Vision, Objectives

Nakawa Vocational Training Institute Achievements

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