NAMFI Application Forms 2018 – 2019
NAMFI Application Forms 2018 – 2019 Download
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NAMFI Application Forms 2018 – 2019 Download
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im currently looking for information on what must I do if I want to change from one institution (NIMT ) to NAMFI or WVTC .. help me want to go to level 3
Irimari, you will have to visit the NIMT Admissions office and request for a transfer. You can then apply to NAMFI or WVTC as a transfer student.
want to know when is your next intake and I’m very very interested in you institute
Walter, NAMFI runs continuous admissions. Contact the admissions office for assistance.
I am in Rundu kavango east would like to find out weather the application are out and where to obtain them in Rundu my email address is
Olavi, NAMFI application forms can be downloaded from here
Hello kind sir, I am in Okahandja and would love to find out if the applications are out for 2018, and if you are offering all the courses and also the due date. thank you.
hi, i would like to know when the next intake would take place… highly interested.