Namibia Business School Doctorate in Business Administration

Namibia Business School Doctorate in Business Administration

The objectives of the course are to provide candidates with the highest research capabilities in the creation of new knowledge in the field of Business Administration. This is in line with the University’s mission and strategic objectives, especially its goal “to continue to develop the University as a leading national institution and a major role model for research as a major contributor to nation-building, and the high priority given by the University to applied research across a broad spectrum of relevant fields and to encourage inter-disciplinary approaches to the resolution of real-world problems”.

Exit Programme Outcomes (Outcome for Whole Qualification)

Holders of this qualification are able to:

  1. Provide, through publication and/or presentation, an original contribution to Business Administration knowledge through research as judged by independent experts and peers applying international standards.
  2. Demonstrate a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth mastery of the area of Business Administration, focused on applied research aimed at solving contextual management challenges as well as drawing more on current management practice and the immediate problems of businesses while seeking to make an original contribution to the body of knowledge.

Criteria for Admission

Applicants must be in possession of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree or any other relevant Level 9 qualification on the National Qualification Framework (NQF).  Applicants MUST submit, together with their application, a Statement of Intent (3 000 words) outlining their research interest and agenda. Applications without this Statement, CANNOT be considered. It is important to note that admission is conditional on availability of a relevant and interested supervisor.

Mode of Delivery & Programme Duration

The Doctor of Business Administration will be delivered on a block-release basis augmented through e-learning.  The programme cannot be completed in less then three (3) years.

Assessment Criteria

The assessment for this programme will be in accordance with Regulation 9.9 of the University and the key criteria will be whether or not the candidate has made an original contribution to the body of knowledge in the field of Business Administration.

Summary Table for all Modules in the Programme

NQF Level: 10

Module Module code Credits
Year 1 – First Semester
Academic Writing for Post-Graduate Studies UAE 6819 16
Advanced Business Ethics CBBI 6001 8
Research Methods – A CBRM 6011 16
Quantitative Methods – A CBQM 6011 16
Year 1 – Second Semester
Research Methods – B CBRM 6012 16
Quantitative Methods – B CBQM 6012 16
Research Seminars CBRS 6010 48
Year 2/3
Dissertation CBBR 6000 240
Total credits 240

* NQF Level 8; Non-Contributory

Tuition & Expenses

Tuition plus course material: N$135.00 for the 3 year programme (N$45.00 per annum) Including Supervisors Fee and Professional Development Seminars (Excluding course materials and textbooks)

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