Namibia Police Emergency Number
If outside Windhoek the dialing code is 061- and precedes the Windhoek telephone number.
Official contact numbers:
Namibia Police Emergency|+264 (61) 10111**
City Police – Crime Prevention Unit (24 hrs) |+264 (61) 290 2239 / 290 2018**
City Police – Fire Brigade (ambulance, accidents and injuries)|+264 (61) 211 111A
City Police – Traffic Division|+ 264 (61) 290 2722 / 258 473**
Crime Stoppers – (anonymous information to police)|+264 (61) 254 299**
Aeromed|+264 (61)249 777 / 230 505**
MedRescue|+ 264 (61) 230 505/6/7**
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