Namibian Defence Force Recruitment 2018 – 2019

Namibian Defence Force Recruitment

NDF Recruitment 2018 – 2019

NDF General Recruitment Requirements

Namibian Defence Force Army Recruitment

Namibian Defence Force Air Force Recruitment

Namibian Defence Force Navy Recruitment

Namibia Defence Force NDF Pages

Namibia Police Force NAMPOL Pages

92 thoughts on “Namibian Defence Force Recruitment 2018 – 2019”

  1. When is the 2017 intakes going to happen because amy a 23 year old male who want to joint, my highest grade is 12, computerised .

  2. When is the 2017 intanke?my highest qualification is grade 12 cetificate 20points in five subject,and a an E symbol in English plus a certificate in BUSINESS administration from the international university of management .I’m physical fit and not employed

    • AUguste, NDFis yet to announce dates for its 2017 recruitment if there would b any at all. We shall keep you updated. Kindly check back.

    • Petrus, NDF is unlikely to recruit this year. Any updates concerning schedules shall be published.

  3. When will the ndf start recruiting this year ? We want the starting time of recruitment as well is how long it will last please.

    • Romario, it is unlikely the NDF shall recruit this year. We shall however publish any new developments.

  4. Hi am Justino Snyders and am 25 years . I am ready to start applying when is The starting date?

  5. Please let us know if they will be an upcoming intake this year

    • Hilaria, there is less likelihood of an intake this year. We shall publish any new developments as they arise.

  6. I’m dying this time and hopefully I will be one of the recruits

  7. A very good morning to everyone viewing this comment. I would like to find out when will the recruitment process start and I would like to join with my 23points in grade12 and a certificate in accounting and auditing from the University of Namibia.

  8. Hi my name is Matias Alfeus. I have grade 12 and 30 points,(i have Mathematics, physical science, biology and geography) and i really want to join NDF, do i qualify? if yes, keep me posted please.

    • Yes Matias, you qualify for recruitment. We shall keep you posted

  9. what are the requirements,for a person to be recruited? and when will NDF recruit this year?

  10. Iam having 26 point in 6 subject with an E symbol in English izt possible fr m to apply?

  11. Hi im grade seven try english to speaking, im 30 yrs old women , can you help me job any job tohelp my family, thanks!

  12. i have grade 12 certficate holds 26points in 6 subjects en E n english i did social science (history, development studies and geography) soh du i qualify to be an NDF ? if yes keep me posted anytime when recruitment is ready at

  13. I have a passed grade 12 certificate, with 29 points in six subjects and 25 points in 5 subjects. I really want to join NDF please. Do I qualify to apply?

  14. Halw l m pandu 26 years l had grade 12,18point and level 3 diesel mechanic certificate do l m qualified to apply?

  15. i am Eliaser K S ..i have 30 points in grade 12, i have also bachelor of criminal justice in policing from the university of science and technology…. i want to be recruited as military police officer so i want to know if its possible

    • Yes Eliaser, you are eligible for recruitment. The next NAMPOL recruitment is expected in 2018. Check back for procedures and requirements.

  16. Iam Romeo ,24 year old man please keep me updated about the recruitment date and month,31 points in 5 subjects,highest grade is12,computer literate ad i qualify? Really wanna saveguard my nation!

    • Romeo, you will be notified by mail, concerning the NDF recruitment.

  17. Greetings,, would like to ask as the recruitment vacancies will be published early next year,,my main concern is the navy post, so would like to know the requirements and how to go about it. your satisfactory response will be much appreciated.
    Thank you!

  18. Iam Warren ,24 yrs old man plese keep me update about 2017/2018 recruitment date and month,25 points in 5 subjects,highest grade 12,computer certificate,civic i qualify or what plsssss?

    • Warren, are qualified for recruitment. Dates and time will be communicated soon.

  19. Iam a 21 year old boy having 28 points in six subjects with a English, so do I qualify? if yes notify me with the next recruitment

    • Eric, you are eligible for recruitment, the next NDF recruitment will be in 2018

  20. Good day, I am Erastus Mukonda, i’ve been hearing rumors around but would just like to confirm if it were true, i hear that the the NDF Recruitment has started is it true or is it just lies that are speculating around.
    Thank you in advance

  21. I’m serio km have 22 points in 6 subject E in English,turning 25 next year April I just want to ask if I can apply next year ,and I’m asking please let me know when the recruitment of next year comes,email please

    • Serio, check back for updates. Details will be published here.

  22. I am Setson. I have 22 points in 6 grade 12. Am I qualified to apply in NDF when recruitment starts?

  23. my name is Mwata Joseph,i completed grade 12 last year and i failed with 18 points in 6 subject and i want to upgrade this year,but the problem is that my parents thy will not afford the money to register for examination than i want to ask helps from that i also one of the Namibian who wants and interested in to this career,,,

    • Nick, NDF recruitment will be within the first quarter of 2018

  24. I have 28 points grade 12 and an E english, when will u start recruiting this year 2018?

  25. To whom it may concern. I’m a male who just completed grade 12 with 22points in 6 subjects and 20points in 5 subjects. I’m 19years old and will be turning 20 on the 25th of July this year. I’d like to know if I qualify for recruitment and what procedures I should take as a way forward. Hoping to hear from you.

  26. Good day, when is NDF Recruiting this year, please help me out, i dont want to be left out..I have 27 POINTS E In ENGLISH

    • Mathews, NDF is yet tp commence its recruitment for 2018 – 2019. Recruitment is carried out within the first quarter of the year.

  27. Is it true that there will be no recruitement for the next 5 years?

  28. Hangula olavi succsesfuly combelet gade 10 ,with 27 point grade 12 ,20 point . i:m having power to work in ,NDF so when you are recrutim allow me to know :0817273385

  29. Good day, im mathias i have 24 points E in english do i qualifyfo NDF intake

  30. When NDF will be recruiting this year ?I have 37 points and D in English. ..

  31. 2018 – 2019 Admissions , Recruitment and Bursaries in Namibia
    NDF Application Form
    Complete the Public Service Application for Employment Form obtainable at government offices or download from here
    NDF Application Form and mail them to Recruitment Office, Ministry of Defence, Private Bag 13307, Windhoek, or hand deliver them at reception office, Bastion 2, Defence Headquarter. Tal Street, Windhoek.

    Namibia Defence Force NDF Pag.
    *Does NDF start recruiting or which application froms should mailed there? I don’t really understand. I really  want to join NDF as ARTISAN. I got a Level 3 in Boilmaking/ Welding at Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology.*
    Am i able to admitted in NDF?

    • Festus, you are eligibel for admission into the NDF. Recruitment dates are yet to be announced.

  32. Dear Sir/Madam

    I have a question want to ask it privately if its possible, i can be contacted @ +264812905214

  33. Hello I have reached my qualification qualified to join the N.D.F . And I am ready to join . @UGfacts please inform us more on the recruitment, I clearly don’t understand when you said the first quarter of the year . I am desperately waiting .I would realy feel much better from your answer . please3

  34. I’m a second year criminal justice student at NUST & i want to join the nam navy . I have 27 points in grade 12. Am i eligible to join ??

  35. I’m a second year criminal justice student at NUST & i want to join the Nam Navy. I have 27 points in grade 12. Am i eligible to join Navy ??

  36. I am Selma Mateus, with a grade 12 certificate, 28 points and E in English, do I qualify for NDF recruitment? and when will they commence with that?really want to join .

  37. I want to apply for ndf,i have grade 12 with 18 points, with 9 years working experience in Mohss/global fund under contract as a Tb field promoter. Can i apply?

  38. It is already July 2018 and NDF hasn’t recruited . When really is recruitment? . I’m 21 years old and got 24 points in 5 including E in English, Am I eligible to apply ?

  39. When will be the next recruitment and I got 19 points in grade twelve and F in English.I lost both of my parents

  40. Is the date out for recruitment out….i complete my grade 12…awards in antheletic…pls inform

  41. I am a flexible lady, obtaining civic certificate. My level 2 certificate in automotive mechanics. Please update me when NDF is recruiting. I thank you

  42. Can a grade 10 learner that failed grade 10 with 22 points also apply


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