National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Uganda

National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Uganda

NSSF Voluntary Plan


How to get your e-statement

Welcome to the NSSF E-statement feature. In our continued effort to serve NSSF members better, we have enhanced the e-statement feature to make it more user-friendly, quicker and easier and to access your e-statement online. Please follow the steps below to access your e-statement.

  1. Send an e-mail to requesting a password. please send the following details:
      1. NSSF Number (13 digits)
      2. Your full names (please ensure you provide the name you registered with NSSF)
      3. Your date of birth
      4. Father’s full names
      5. Mother’s full names
      6. Your employer (at the time you registered with NSSF)
  2. A password will be sent to your e-mail address within 24 hours
  3. Open the NSSF website
  4. Fill in your NSSF number and your password on the e-statement feature on the left-hand side of the screen and log in
  5. View e-statement

Have you forgotten your password?

  1. Follow the steps above

Do you wish to change your password?

  1. When viewing your e-statement, click change password
  2. Fill in your NSSF number and new password
  3. Confirm new password and submit
  4. View statement



You can view your e-statement through the following options:


OPTION 1- Instant access to your statement


  1. Send email to NSSF Mail Statement <>
  2. In the subject line, type: Statement
  3. In the message body, type your valid NSSF number which shall be tagged to your email address
  4. Send email
  5. An instant statement will be generated.

Please Note: The email address you use must be the most up to date email address record we have.


OPTION 2 – Access your statement balance via SMS

  1. Send the word “NSSF” to 6773 and follow instructions.
  2. Type NSSF< leave space> NSSF No < leave space> Date of Birth Full Names and send to 6773.
  3. You will receive a PIN (after we have validated our data)
  4. Type Bal, your new PIN” and send to 6773
  5. View your statement balance

Please Note: This is a one-time request for a PIN, but you can thereafter change the PIN to a preferred private number.


Do you have any queries about your e-statement? Call us on our TOLL FREE line 0800 286773. You can also send an e-mail to or visit any nearest NSSF Office.
We shall respond to your queries within 12 hours.

Thank you!

What is NSSF Voluntary Membership Plan?

The NSSF Voluntary Membership Plan is a new initiative which provides employers and workers that are not compelled by the mandatory provisions of the NSSF Act the opportunity to voluntarily save for their retirement.


Who qualifies to enroll for the Voluntary Membership Plan?

Voluntary Employers – employers with less than 5 employees, and their employees. This is occasioned by the NSSF (Voluntary Registration and Contributions) Regulations, and in specific reference to Section 10 (1) of the NSSF Act. This provides that any employer may, “apply for voluntary registration as a contributing employer; and any eligible employee of such employer may thereafter apply for voluntary registration as a member of the Fund”

Click here to download Voluntary Employers’ form


Individual Voluntary Employees/Contributors – former NSSF members, whom the Fund already paid their respective benefits, but are still able and willing to save with the Fund. This is by Section 10 (3) of the NSSF Act, which states that “any member of the Fund in respect of whom the standard contribution has ceased to be payable under this Act may apply in the time and in the manner prescribed to make voluntary contributions to the Fund……

Click here to download Voluntary Employees’ form


What if I am self-employed and would like to enroll for the Voluntary Membership Plan?

Under the current law, you must first register your company/business, after which you would then be eligible to enroll for the plan under Voluntary Employers category, even if you are the only employee of your company/business.


Features of the NSSF Voluntary Membership Plan

Choice – you decide how much you contribute based on your income and life aspirations

Flexibility – if your needs change, you have the freedom to change the amount you contribute

Peace of mind – you will take pride and satisfaction in knowing that you have a secure retirement plan for yourself and your family


If a company or individual wanted to enroll today, how can they start?

Individuals, and companies employing less than 5 workers need to register at any of our branches nearest to them. It is a seamless process and you will spend less than 10 minutes doing so.


You can also fill in the Voluntary Membership form available on our website and submit the form to the Fund via e-mail


How much must I be willing to contribute in order to enroll for the plan?

The minimum amount of money a voluntary member can contribute is Ugx 5,000. Voluntary members can also contribute anytime and as often as they wish. The Fund is very flexible in regard to the amount a voluntary member can remit because contribution is voluntary.


What is the mode of payment?

Voluntary members can pay using mobile money via our existing NSSFGO code *254# accessible to the MTN and Airtel subscribers. In the near future, contributors will access the service via the standard codes *165#, or *185# used by the above two major telecoms. It is a seamless process and there is instant confirmation to the contributor through an automatic SMS each time a payment is received.


Companies can pay via mobile money, but will need to first obtain a reference number obtained through the NSSF Employer e-payment portal at because of the need to attach a contributions schedule for their respective employees.

Alternatively, voluntary employers can complete the payment process via the online Employer e-payment portal on


How and where can I obtain more information or assistance?

You may visit any NSSF branch nearest to you

You may also reach the Fund via e-mail or call our toll free line 0800 286773.

We have put in place a dedicated team to assist employers and individuals who may require assistance.

You can also follow us online at, or visit our website


The NSSF covers all employers who have 5 or more employees between 16 and 55 years of age, with the exception of employees under the Government Pensions scheme. The NSSF Act requires a registered employer is required to pay contributions to the Fund for his/her employees every month during which he/she pays salaries.

The NSSF Act also provides for voluntary membership for employers with less than 5 employees.

Rate of Contribution

The employer must deduct 5% from the employee’s total gross monthly wage and add 10% of the total gross monthly wage making a total contribution of 15% for each employee. The Payment of contributions must be paid by the 15th day of the following month. The Fund currently collects over UGX 102 billion per month for its members.

Interest Rate

The Fund declared and paid an interest rate of 11% to its members for the last Financial Year (2018/2019).

Interest rates are reviewed annually and declared by the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development on the advice of the Board of Directors. Interest rate paid to members is based on the financial performance of the Fund.

Guide for Employer & Employee registration

The employer ensures that all the employees between the age of 16 and 55 years registered with NSSF

Remit contributions at the end of every month for which wages / salaries are paid.


How does a qualifying employer register?

A qualifying employer should log onto


An eligible employer may also visit any NSSF Branch for registration


Employee Registration

An eligible employee should log onto and complete registration.


An eligible employee may also visit any NSSF Branch for registration


NSSF collects members’ contributions and invests them judiciously, and pays commensurate benefits to qualifying members. The money collected is maintained on individual member accounts, invested and earns an annual interest depending on our return on investments.


NSSF’s Investment Policy provides for clear guidelines on investments. The Board and Management are mandated by the NSSF Act to invest the money on behalf of the NSSF members. Currently, NSSF has various investment interests in real estate, equities, and fixed income.


On qualification, the member is paid the lump sum amount plus interest computed every year. The members’ money is not only safe with NSSF, but NSSF grows the savings in real terms.


For a list of NSSF Investments, please click NSSF Investments


NSSF administers and pays qualified contributing persons the following benefits;





Exempted Employment

Emigration Grant



Current passport size photograph

Personal Identification (e.g. photocopy of   Identity Card, Voters Card, Driving Permit, Passport

Photocopy of NSSF Card

Proof of Bank Account details e.g. Bank slip

Click Benefits Payment data for the latest information on our benefits payment 



Specifc requirements


Current passport size photograph

Copy of valid Personal Identification e.g. National Identity Card / Driving Permit/ Passport/ Financial Card/ Employer Identity Card

Alien registration card or work permit for non-Ugandans

Proof of Bank Account details e.g. Bank slip, one page of a Bank Statement or a letter from the bank confirming bank details.

Present original documents when submitting claim for comparison with copies 



Current passport size photograph.

Copy of valid Personal Identification e.g. National Identity Card / Driving Permit/ Passport/ Financial Card

Alien registration card OR Work permit for Non Ugandans

Proof of Bank Account details e.g. Bank slip, one page of a Bank Statement or a letter from the bank confirming bank details.

Disengagement letter e.g. Termination letter OR End of Contract letter OR Employer Introduction letter

Present original documents when submitting claim for comparison with copies 



Current passport size photograph.

Copy of valid Personal Identification e.g. National Identity Card / Driving Permit/ Passport/ Financial Card/ Employer Identity Card

Alien registration card OR Work permit for Non Ugandans.

Proof of Bank Account details e.g. Bank slip, one page of a Bank Statement or a letter from the bank confirming bank details.

Disengagement letter e.g. Termination letter OR End of Contract letter OR Employer Introduction letter

Certified copy of appointment letter

Warrant card for police officers OR Movement order for the Army OR Introduction Letter from the Parliamentary Commission for Parliament Staff OR pension card for pensioners

Pay slips for the last 6 months

Present original documents when submitting claim for comparison with copies 



Current passport size photograph.

Copy of valid Personal Identification e.g. National Identity Card / Driving Permit/ Passport/ Financial Card

Alien registration card OR Work permit for Non Ugandans

Proof of the claimant’s bank account details e.g. Bank slip, 1 page of a Bank Statement, Bank letter confirming bank details. The bank account must be held in the country where the claimant relocated.

Disengagement letter e.g. Termination letter OR End of Contract letter OR Employer Introduction letter

Evidence of permanent residence status or citizenship e.g. Passport or National ID, Green Card for US immigrants, indefinite leave to Stay Status for UK, Permanent residence card, settlement cards.

Evidence of Exit from Uganda e.g. Exit stamp from Uganda and/or Entry stamp to destination country

Cancelled OR Expired work permit OR clearance from Immigration Department in case of absence of work permit

Refugees: Introduction letter from Office of the Prime Minister OR Letter from International Organisation for Migration AND Repatriation card from UNHCR

Marriage certificate and spouse visa or dependant’s pass where applicable. 1

Introduction Letter from the embassy for Ugandans permanently relocating or Affidavit from the American Embassy in Uganda

Notarized Passport and/ or permanent residence card if claiming online


Present original documents when submitting claim for comparison with copies 



2 Current passport size photographs

Copy of valid Personal Identification e.g. National Identity Card / Driving Permit/ Passport/ Financial Card/ Employer Identity Card

Alien registration card OR Work permit for Non-Ugandans

Proof of Bank Account details e.g. Bank slip, 1 page of a Bank Statement, Bank letter confirming bank details.

Disengagement letter e.g. Termination letter OR End of Contract letter OR Employer Introduction letter

Doctors Recommendation Letter (The client may be required to see the Fund Doctor)

Certified High court order appointing Manager for Estate for Persons of Unsound mind Present original documents when submitting claim for comparison with copies



Current passport size photograph of the claimant

Copy of the claimant ’ s valid Personal Identification e.g. National Identity Card / Driving Permit/ Passport/ Financial Card/ Employer Identity Card

Alien registration card OR Work permit of the deceased, for Non Ugandans.

Proof of the claimant’s bank account details e.g. Bank slip, 1 page of a Bank Statement, Bank letter confirming bank details.

Death Certificate of the member from National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA).

Introduction letter from the employer of the deceased member OR Introduction letter from the LC

Baptism Certificates for Children and Marriage Certificate or customary marriage letter for spouse – for claimants not registered/updated by the deceased member and for new re-registrations.

Map or directions to the Ancestral home/ burial site.

Certified copies of petition to the letters of Administration and the Letters of Administration OR certified copies of the Will of Deceased and Grant of probate – for benefits claims of UGX 5M and above.

News Paper Gazette for benefits claims of UGX 5M and above.

Certificate of No Objection to the claimant for obtaining letters of administration for claims with an estate value above UGX 50M.

Present original documents when submitting claim for comparison with copies.




Qualifying members shall apply for benefits at the nearest NSSF office. Members may be required to provide further evidence.

In order to avoid inconveniences, a claimant is obliged to provide full proof of identity and where necessary, an investigation to this effect shall be conducted by the fund.

Claimants shall be required to fill all relevant forms accurately.

Claimants are advised to submit the claim in person to the nearest office.

All the processing of benefits is done at the NSSF offices.

Benefit forms must be witnessed by the claimant’s last contributing employer


Computation of Benefits
A verified claim is processed as follows;

All contributions remitted to the fund during the members working period are compiled on the assessment sheet.

The declared interest is added on the closing balance for each financial year.

The computed figures plus interest are properly verified before a cheque is written or money transferred to a members account.

Things You Must Do In Order To Secure Your Benefits

Ensure that the information you give on the benefit form is correct. It must tally with the information you gave at the time of registration.

Attach correct or authentic supporting documents depending on the benefit you qualify for.

Member’s Rights.

Contributing members have a right to request for their statements of account.

Contributing Persons have the right to appeal before established channels in case he/she has any dispute with regard to the benefit payable



Any person who makes a false statement or who produces or furnishes any information which he/she knows to be false in a material particular is guilty of an offence and may be liable to a fine or imprisonment or both.


Contact info

Plot 1 Pilkington Road,
Workers House, 14th Floor

P.O Box 7140, Kampala, Uganda


Phone: +256 313-331-755

Toll free: 0800 286 773
